Re: Planet X: MAY Coordinates [OT]
In Article <[email protected]> David Tholen wrote:
> Nancy Lieder writes:
>> Neuchatal folks (who did not get offical permission to release
>> the information) got an image, but this was never received,
> How convenient for you. Interesting that you haven't accused
> them of cover-up the way you've accused NASA for HST images
> that were allegedly never released.
That NASA withholds HST images, only selectively giving them out, is not
an accusation, it's a fact. Do cover-ups exists, and do folks get leaned
on? Are lies foisted on the public? As examples:
1. JFK was killed by a single bullet. He and the others
in the car were wounded by only a single bullet,
which traveled through several bodies making sharp
turns and impacting bone in some cases but emerged
intact. This was the official explanation, in place
2. George Bush Sr., former head of the CIA, was not in
the loop on Iran Contra. Iran Contra would have been
a secret operation, unknown to the public today, if
there hadn't been an accident exposing the operation.
Here we had an illegal operation, headquartered in
the basement of the White House, with the President
in the know.
What kind of tactics are used to maintain a cover-up? I was told in the
early days of Hale-Bopp, when I asked someone with a NASA security
clearance, if NASA would lie about Hale-Bopp. He told me that the first
newspaper story released was laced with code words that meant "do not
challenge this story". Steve Havas, who has posted about his sighting
of Planet X at a Vancouver observatory, was told verbally by an
associated astronomer, in a hushed voice, that they know about this
inbound planet, and thus the frantic stalling tactics he encountered and
recorded. I likewise was told in California by an astronomer who worked
at one of the major observatories that "at first we were looking for it,
then we found it, and now we're tracking it. It comes through the solar
system every few thousand years, and pretty much tears up the earth." So
why don't they get on the bullhorn and blab? Are they afraid of losing
a job or being put in a wacky ward with the subsequent claim they were
crazy at the time they made claims, or physically threatened? Were it
not that Planet X CAN'T be hidden anymore, as it is visible by
observatories world-wide, so that only an "alternate explanation" can
perpetrate the cover-up at this point, I'd expect folks like Steve to be
leaned on too. Here's a silencing method used in the past:
The Alien Question: An Expanded Perspective
by Neil Freer
Tombaugh discovered Pluto in 1930. Christie, of the U.S.
Naval Observatory, discovered Charon, Pluto's moon, in
1978. The characteristics of Pluto derivable from the
nature of Charon demonstrated that there must still be a
large planet undiscovered because Pluto could not be the
cause of the residuals, the "wobbles" in the orbital paths of
Uranus and Neptune clearly identifiable. The IRAS
(Infrared Astronomical Satellite), during '83 -'84, produced
observations of a tenth planet so robust that one of the
astronomers on the project said that "all that remains is to
name it" - from which point the information has become
curiously guarded. In 1992 Harrington and Van Flandern
of the Naval Observatory, working with all the information
they had at hand, published their findings and opinion
that there is, indeed, a tenth planet, even calling it an
"intruder" planet. Andersen of JPL later publicly expressed
his belief that it could possibly be verified any time. The
search was narrowed to the southern skies, below the
ecliptic. Harrington invited Sitchin, having read his book
and translations of the Enuma Elish, to a meeting at his
office and they correlated the current findings with the
ancient records and Harrington acknowledged the detail of
the ancient records while indicating where the tenth planet
may now be in the solar system.
It is the opinion of this author that, in light of the evidence
already obtained through the use of the Pioneer 10 and
11 and two Voyager space craft, the Infrared Imaging
Satellite (IRAS, `83-84) and the data available to Harrington
when consulting with Sitchin that the search has already
been accomplished, in fact that the planet has already
been found. It is interesting that Harrington dispatched an
appropriate telescope to Black Birch, New Zealand to
get a visual confirmation, based on the data leading to
the expectation that it would be below the ecliptic in the
southern skies at this point in its orbit. On Harrington's
early death the scope was immediately called back - as one
observer noted, "almost before he was cold". ...
Robert Harrington used to be the head of the Naval Observatory, and Tom
van Flandern worked closely with Harrington at the US Naval Observatory.