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Re: Planet X/12th Planet Search in Early 1980's

Article: <[email protected]> 
Subject: Re: Planet X/12th Planet Search in Early 1980's
Date: 22 May 1998 13:27:47 GMT

In article <[email protected]> Roger Herzler writes:
> It is illogical to believe that a discovery of this type would 
> be hidden from the general public, or that some type of 
> conspiracy for cover-up is underway.  What would be the 
> point??  This kind of discovery would likely be trumpeted
> across the land.

I'll address this comment in two parts, two postings.  Second, the
point is to reduce panic, and BIG TIME for the establishment to
maintain control while they make their own preparations.  Below,
something I wrote for Troubled Times:

The Silent Treatment

What if President Clinton and other world leaders were to go in front
of the TV cameras and say

- We've got bad new and good news. 
- A monster comet is going to roar through the solar system in late
  spring 2003, 
     rearranging the continents; 
     moving the poles to the equator so they will melt; 
     making all real estate under 675 feet worthless; 
     casting the world into a volcanic dust gloom that will last for
     running tidal waves a hundred feet high over the coast lines; and 
     reducing the cities to rubble with 15 Richter Point earthquakes. 
- There's no escape. 
- We can't stop it. 
- There will be food shortages for 3 years running going into this.
  (Sorry, Africa, no more bags of grain and blocks of cheese, you'll 
  just have to starve.) 
- Insurance companies will be out of business, and FEMA won't be able
  to reach you as: 
     phone lines will be down; 
     power grids will be dead; 
     and medical facilities will run out of supplies in a hurry, if
     they're staffed at all. 
- The good news is that odds are you won't live long. 

Now, given that announcement, what would happen to the Stock Market or
the desire of the populace to pay taxes, or normal daily activities
such as going to work? How much loyalty would the populace give to
their government or military?

Stock Market

The idea of money or property being "worth" something is ingrained due
to the way governments insure stability. The whole structure is based
upon the publics confidence that stability will be maintained. Since
the 1929 Stock Market crash and the subsequent world wide depression,
controls were supposedly put into place to keep this from happening
again. The fed imposes higher interest rates to keep inflation from
roaring too high. The US loans money to countries in trouble with too
much debt to prevent a crash that would ripple throughout the world.
Disaster areas get infusions of funds from the federal government or
insurance. All this is to give folks the feeling that if they buy a
house or stocks, they will have something in the end. Prices may
fluctuate, but the thing will still have value. Sure, someone might buy
speculative stock or fail to get fire insurance on their home, but
their loss is viewed as due to their stupidity. 

With a forthcoming pole shift well known, the value of stocks and bonds
would drop to zero. Activity on the stock market would be nil, except
that everyone would be trying to sell so as to convert to cash and buy
something of worth, like shovels and seed. Beyond putting the stock
brokers out of business, this would wrap back to shareholders, who are
more than just the rich as many insurance companies and now even the
social security fund is going to own stock. Corporations routinely put
their stash money into portfolios too, as this makes the best interest
for this idle money. Where the voice of individual stock holders might
be ignored, large corporations and insurance companies might claim
bankruptcy immediately.

Bottom line, undeniable news of a forthcoming pole shift would be
viewed as leading to another depression.

Going to Work

People go to work primarily for bread and butter money, subsistence,
and also for personal satisfaction due to the role they are playing.
Imagine if one were not to get paid. How many people would continue in
a job that could not meet its payroll? If payment were in vouchers of
some sort, due to money losing its value, some continuance might occur,
but only if the barter system could be put into place in a locale. Not
likely on a worldwide or national level. Roles most valued would be
those of the savior, leading to survival during and after the pole
shift. Cults would spring up, with leaders promising to care for the
members. Militant groups would experience an upsurgence, the shelves
in gun stores emptied. Anything but local barter and local leadership
would not exist, as corporations run as much by the faithful attendance
of their employees as they do on the worth of their stock.

Bottom line, roads would not be repaired, TV stations and power grids
would close down, and local fiefdoms would proliferate.

Military Control

The military may have stock supplies, but are forgetting the following.

   1.Their own reaction to loss - many of them will go mad or become
   2.Petty dictatorship setting in - generals or folks like Newt
Gingrich, power hungry. Internal battles will consume all their time.
Remember Haig saying "I'm in charge" on public TV, when the successions
following a President's temporary disability did not put him there? 
   3.Constant erosion of the ranks - troops and guards just leaving
with equipment or food stores, thus leaving entryways open for gangs to
come in. What's the motivation for troops on the lower level to stay
and be a small fish in a small pond when they can be a big fish, in
their own small pond?