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Re: Planet X/12th Planet Coverup Mechanism

Article: <[email protected]> 
Subject: Re: Planet X/12th Planet Coverup Mechanism
Date: 9 Apr 1998 02:39:12 GMT

In article <[email protected]> Joshua Hewitt states:
> How do you expect there to be a coverup of a community of 
> thousands of people spread about nearly every country? Even
> the telescopes are all over the place! Not only that, but each of
> these people is competing to find something NEW in 
> astronomy, and are hardly easy to shut up. Science coverup
> conspiracy theories just don't hold water. 

Without the Hubble, and without the half dozen major observatories,
there can be no PROOF that this additional planet exists.  Anyone
carefully putting the evidence together could be squashed like a bug by
such giants as NASA, who could counter the evidence with any
disinformation they chose to foist.  If you are to state that
astronomers working for the major observatories are independent and can
speak freely, you're being naive.  The Zetas have stated that these
astronomers sign papers agreeing to cooperate in any situation  deemed
national security, or whatever variation of that might apply.  Creating
panic, or a worldwide depression, is a national security issue, I would

I have personally gotten a report from someone who works in one of
those large observatories, as follows "We were looking for it, then we
found it, and now we're tracking it.  It comes through the Solar System
every few thousand years and pretty much tears up the Earth".  This is
what they would tell you if they could.  They are silent for the same
reason the astronauts are silent about the UFO's they have seen, the
media is silent about PCB's causing childlessness increasingly in
humans, and you can only speculate about the JFK assassination, whether
George Bush was in the loop during Iran Contra, why it is that the CIA
is never on trial for drug running, and why the exponential increase in
deep earthquakes during the past two decades is not EVER in the news! 
The Zetas had this to say about conspiracies, and our gullibility.

(Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
Secrets of interest worldwide to all peoples have been kept, for
decades, even when known by a large number of individuals who would
just love to tell the truth.  Examples of the success of such
conspiracies are:

- the long term FBI chief Hoover's conspiracy to keep his
cross-dressing and homosexual life style from the general public.  His
close associates certainly knew, occasional lovers outside of the FBI
certainly knew, and talk of his leanings would have been shared among
acquaintances of these individuals in the wildfire manner that rumors
are spread about.  How did the truth get suppressed for decades until
long after his death?  By threats of harassment by the FBI and frank
blackmail attempts, which succeeded in preventing anyone in the media
from cashing in on this juicy bit of gossip.

- the death of John F. Kennedy, murdered by the CIA with more than one
hitman, in full view of a nearby crowd of witnesses and broadcasts on
TV.  The gullible public was told that a single bullet traveled through
two bodies, in and out of several organs that were not even lined up
with each other, and came out intact.  The fact that a single bullet
would have lost speed, and fragmented when breaking bones, stands
loudly pronouncing that such an explanation is not logical, yet since
members of the military and executive branch of government seemed to
buy the story, it stands.  How did the truth get suppressed for
decades, up to and including the present?  By the fact that a handful
of men in high government positions repeated the lie in solemn tones.

- the bankruptcy of banking systems, such as the Savings and Loan
fiasco that took place in the United States during the past decades or
the BCCI fiasco.  The public stared at the figures, which showed
billions gone to fraud, and believed the government line that banking
system controls put into place since 1929 would not allow banks to
fail.  These two frauds took place back to back, perpetrated
essentially by the same CIA money laundering crowd seeking a money
source for all the secret programs the CIA has run over the years, yet
even a repeated performance failed to dampen the public's gullibility. 
How was the public convinced that solidity was there, seeing something
that did not exist?  By the human tendency to believe anything that
comforts, and deny what discomforts, so that unpleasant untruths are
simply ignored.
(End ZetaTalk[TM])