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Re: IN SYMPATHY to the Hale-Bopp Cooperative

Article: <[email protected]>
From: [email protected](Nancy )
Subject: Re: IN SYMPATHY to the Hale-Bopp Cooperative
Date: 6 Mar 1997 15:32:10 GMT

In article <[email protected]> Dave Tholen writes:
>> The issue of a tightened eccentricity at the time when the
>> orbit of Hale-Bopp was SIMULTANEOUSLY being given
>> a leap away from Jupiter of 3 arc minutes, which would
>> give Hale-Bopp a WIDENED, not tightened eccentricity,
>> ZetaTalk[TM]
> Don Yeomans didn't say anything about the comet leaping away
> from Jupiter. That's strictly your misinterpretation of the orbital
> elements.

(Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
Explain, oh Great Astronomer David Tholen, why Don Yeomans IN HIS OWN WORDS, stated that Hale-Bopp was at Dec -15 on May 28, 1996 (close to Jupiter at Dec -22 on that date), and a month later decided his observation was WRONG and that Hale-Bopp was 3 arc minutes AWAY from Jupiter on May 28, at Dec -12. You've been trying to avoid this, mumbling around, but as this was posted by JPL themselves, by the same individual, who stated this was per observations, there can hardly be an excuse. Avoidance doesn't cut it. Address the blaring facts! You've been implying that a 3 dimensional system would explain all that away, knowing that few amateurs can afford such a system and operate in an Internet environment where two dimensional shareware is available to them to download for free. So since they can't double check your mumbling and vague excuses, let’s examine this from a logical point of view.

Now, how does the 3 dimensional view negate our statement that JPL had Hale-Bopp leaping AWAY from Jupiter, 3 arc minutes further away?
(End ZetaTalk[TM])