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Re: Hale-Bopp THEN and NOW

Article: <[email protected]>
From: [email protected](Nancy )
Subject: Re: Hale-Bopp THEN and NOW
Date: 23 Feb 1997 17:54:50 GMT

In article: <[email protected]> Jim Scotti writes:
>> (Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
>> Please qualify statements that refer to long period returning
>> comets as being speculative. By your own admission, the
>> calculation of these return cycles is speculation laid upon
>> speculation, without ANY basis in fact other than the track
>> the comet displays as it moves through the Solar System.
>> You have NO evidence that these comet visited EVER in
>> the past, to say nothing of establishing the date!
> Using all available observations, an orbit is computed which
> happens also to show that they are on elliptical orbits with
> periods approximately 12,500 years. There is no speculation
> on speculation. .. The dynamical evidence that these 2 comets
> are making at least their second entry into the inner solar
> system is overwhelming.
> [email protected] (Jim Scotti)

(Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
Hahahahahaha! You have irrefutable evidence that these two comets are making their second pass through the Solar System. You no more understand how often they have repeated than you can identify how often a particular cockroach has crawled across your kitchen counter! You see it once and claim it only visited one other time, a time when YOU were not around? Would a child, seeing Halley's Comet for the first time, be able to pronounce how often it had passed by the Sun? Even YOU don't know that, as the prior trips were not recorded nor would the first time recording be able to speak to the other times it might have visited.

By your own admission, the 4,200 year or any other period you announced for Hale-Bopp is pure speculation! You base that on speculation you have made on other comets, whose prior dates you have NO record of. Prior to the last few centuries, what you call modern man had NO precise record of comet coordinates or dates. Some poem chattering about a light in the sky, passing across the sky, perhaps a meteor or perhaps a comet, who KNOWS! What was the date? What was the time of day? Who KNOWS! It's all an unknown, speculation. Other than the specifics the ancient Summerians recorded for the return visit of the 12th Planet, there IS no record of a long period comet that you can refer to!
(End ZetaTalk[TM])