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Re: Hale-Bopp THEN and NOW

Article: <[email protected]>
From: [email protected](Nancy )
Subject: Re: Hale-Bopp THEN and NOW
Date: 22 Feb 1997 21:13:18 GMT

This debate has been cross-posted to sci.astro.amateur, sci.astro.planetarium,, and alt.paranormal as CNN did not choose to list sci.astro among the Usenet sites where information on Hale-Bopp could be located. Check

for the sci.astro debate thread history.

In article <[email protected]> Jim Scotti writes:
>>> I have seen signs of ejections of knots of debris that are
>>> probably unbound clumps of debris blown off in some
>>> event on the nucleus
>>> [email protected] (Jim Scotti)
>> (Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
>> Where was this debris just before it separated from the
>> so-called comet? Unbound? This is as : unlikely as dust
>> on the back of a high speed trail suddenly deciding to
>> waft off in thick masses
> I pull my sand wedge out of my bag and I take a wack at the
> ball. ... In the process, a large amount of sand goes flying out
> of the trap as well. Sometimes in small clumps which slowly
> disburse or fly off together before landing back on the ground.
> The clumps are not bound to each other, yet they fly off
> together on similar paths.
> On a comet nucleus, there are often small bursts of activity
> caused by the volatiles in the surface of the comet. They
> sometimes cause a small explosion of material off the comets
> surface, not dissimilar to my sand shot. The debris flys off the
> surface and out into the comets coma before being blown away
> by the solar wind and radiation pressure.
> [email protected] (Jim Scotti)

(Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
Anyone who has either played or watched a game of golf can see the difference between your gold analogy and what was captured on film over a period of time for Hale-Bopp, Jim. You are in fact MAKING our case! The web site in Canada that started this debate issue,

was showing the equivalent of the sand traveling along with the golf ball as it made its trajectory! What in fact happens is that AS SOON AS THE SAND LIFTS, IT IS SEPARATING FROM THE GOLF BALL. Should slow motion film be made of the event, succeeding frames laid side by side over a period of seconds, one would NOT see any "unbound debris" in exactly the same place, from one minute to the next!
(End ZetaTalk[TM])