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Article: <[email protected]>
From: [email protected](Nancy )
Subject: THOLEN DECEPTION - Tholen Explains
Date: 21 Feb 1997 05:54:57 GMT
In article <[email protected]> David Tholen writes:
> Are you suggesting that there is some relationship
> between Nancy and either Courtney Brown, Prudence
> Calabrese, or David Rath?
> [email protected]
Embarrassed by the recent focus on the fact that he has apparently been doctoring images on Hale-Bopp posted on the web over a year ago, David Tholen has tried to imply that the discussion was NOT about an image he supplied. As evidence that the discussion I drew the readership's attention to is about HIS image, I offer the following:
1. David's admission that this is his image, in responding to a friend's congradulations.
In article <[email protected]> David Tholen writes:
> Jeremy Hallum writes:
>> Though the picture or HB is interesting here to note, Nancy,
>> note the STAR-LIKE nucleus, with haze surrounding it?
>> Note the nice TAIL? Yep... looks like a comet to me!
>> Nice picture, Dave!
> Thanks! It's one of the few color pictures from that time frame.
> The others who tried did so when the comet was moving faster
> and used CCDs with longer readout times, so the misalignment
> of the red, green, and blue images is excessive. The original
> FITS images are available on our web site (www.ifa.hawaii.edu),
> if anyone wants to see the raw data.
> [email protected]
2. David's admission that this is his image, in responding to Roth's accusations.
From: [email protected] (Dave Tholen)
"As for the REAL image, its authenticity can be easily verified by a simple comparison against any sky atlas that shows stars to a sufficient limiting magnitude."
3. The fact that Roth and Goodwich have noticed aberations in THOLEN'S image, as well as the fraudulent Shramek image. They are discussing YOUR thumbnail print, David, not Shramek's.
Enigma site
"as only today that Gary Goodwin, who operates a Hale-Bopp information site, alerted us to a possible problem with the contention that the original Tholen image, from which the fake Hale-Bopp image was constructed, might itself be a fake... tampered with... "