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Re: IN SYMPATHY to the Hale-Bopp Cooperative

Article: <[email protected]>
From: [email protected](Nancy )
Subject: Re: IN SYMPATHY to the Hale-Bopp Cooperative
Date: 20 Feb 1997 05:33:39 GMT

In article <[email protected]> Greg Neill writes:
>> 1. INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES within the government,
>> who had enlisted various astronomers and gained their
>> promise of cooperation in the form of a security oath, had
>> in essence a captive group of cooperatives
> Same old plotline, conspiracy theory, old bad science. Only
> they'd probably base the story in some fictitious Eastern
> European Dictatorship, 'cause that sort of thing doesn't
> happen here, right?
> [email protected] (Greg Neill)

Wrong. It's just that you're up there in Canada, buried in snow, Greg, so when you get a snow job, you have difficulty recognizing it. Here in the good ol' USA we've had:

  1. Hoover convincing the world he was AGAINST homosexuals when he WAS one, for decades (it took years after his death for the truth to come out). In fact, the FBI was homophobic, due to Hoover's tirades, and the world absolutely believed he was against them even though he never married, never dated, and lived with a male companion all his life.
  2. George Bush claiming he was "out of the loop" on Iran Contra when all the main characters reported directly into his office (this is still the official word and the lie/conspiracy stands).
  3. Reagan claiming he was going to reduce government by 90%, then forking money to the military industrial complex and tripling the national debt, yet the campaign pledge never changed cause folks never figured it out!
  4. The CIA running drugs into the US by the plane full, even getting caught with downed planes full of drugs and CIA operatives confessing to it all - yet NO CIA have ever been brought to trial on any of these issues.
  5. The Catholic church housing priests that were buggering the choir boys FOR CENTURIES without being called to account for it, due to the threat of excommunication that anyone expressing a doubt about the priesthood would bring down upon themselves.
  6. UFO sightings being discounted for decades due to suppression of pilot reports, suppression of astronaut reports, and silly explanations given out by various local police departments coordinated by federal official. (I in fact experienced this decades ago, when I and the entire neighborhood watched colored lights moving in circles in and out of a large cloud overhead. Reporting this to the local police, I received a phone call days later from a major city 100 miles away, telling me they were "satellites". When I questioned the circular movement, which in no way was a path across the sky, he just repeated the story.)

This is just off the top of my head, Greg, this late evening. Conspiracies are so easy to foist on the public that they don't even have to be believable, they don't even have to be hidden. Just look at Hale-Bopp! Supposedly a comet which outgassed out where outgassing doesn't happen, settled down the closer it got to the Sun, had Hubble pictures hidden when it was supposed to be the comet of the Millennium, and looks just like one of the many unmapped stars now when its tucked up close to the Sun.