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Re: Nancy/Zetas

Article: <[email protected]>
From: [email protected](Nancy )
Subject: Re: Nancy/Zetas
Date: 16 Feb 1997 21:32:07 GMT

In article <[email protected]> Jim Scotti writes:
>>> I didn't bother to read the rest of this post as Velikovsky
>>> was debunked very thoroughly by many scientists.
>>> [email protected] (David Simpson)
>> All those scientific studies he quotes, just nonsense?
> The scientific studies Velikovsky quotes aren't nonsense - just
> his interpretation of them. .. How would you explain the
> Tunguska event in Siberia in 1908? .. The more likely cause
> (and we are converging from all directions on this solution)
> is the impact of a 50 meter diameter stony asteroid.
> [email protected] (Jim Scotti)

(Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
A 50 meter asteroid that HAS YET TO BE UNCOVERED? This was not an event that happened in the remote past, allowing soil to harden into rock so that exploration could not proceed. And what would have cause the trees to flatten outward, for miles, around the crater? The impact of a large falling object does not cause the atmosphere to blow outward with force to that extent. Trees might be jostled and be askew where the ground was jolted, but not flattened, and in particular, not flatted in an even OUTWARD pattern. This indicates an explosion. We will ask our emissary, Nancy, to post OUR explanation of the Tunguska event, an explanation which makes sense in light of all the evidence, and incidentally, confirms that pole shifts move the crust.
(End ZetaTalk[TM])

As requested:

(Begin ZetaTalk[TM] on Tunguska Explosion)
A source of endless speculation is the wide area of flattened trees, spread outward in a circle, the result of an apparent explosion thatoccurred just after the turn of the century in Siberia. No witnesses, radioactivity, or meteor remains exist as pieces toward solving this puzzle. Nuclear power was not yet in mankind's hands. What occurred? Humans are aware of explosions that occur naturally and at their hands, but natural explosions in the atmosphere are so rare as to seem nonexistent. Yet the potential for this exists, and the force of an explosion is related to the frequency with which the spark occurs. Gasoline fumes, without a match or spark, eventually dissipate.

Methane gas occurs naturally, a result of the decomposition of organic materials. Landfills must vent this or experience explosions. Some humans know they can light and briefly burn their farts. Humus or accidentally buried organic material is a source of methane gas, and if not vented, this attempts to rise, being light, and will pool if trapped. Siberia was once lush, a fact the carcasses of mastodons reveal, as their bellies are full of grass. Flash frozen and covered with volcanic dust, organic material lies as a potential. Where Siberia may appear to be a frozen wasteland, the center of the Earth is hot, and decomposition of trapped matter, proceeding slowly but over a long time, can accumulate a large, trapped pool of methane gas. Released due to a shift in the Earth's crust and encountering a raise in temperature sufficient to act as a spark, this would explode, with the size of the explosion in proportion to the volume of violently venting gas.
(End ZetaTalk[TM] on Tunguska Explosion)
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