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Re: Nancy/Zetas

Article: <[email protected]>
From: [email protected](Nancy )
Subject: Re: Nancy/Zetas
Date: 15 Feb 1997 21:11:02 GMT

In article <[email protected]> Lamont Granquist writes:
>> Your assumptions are not to give us the benefit of the doubt,
>> they are to CONFUSE THE ISSUE.
>> 1. You have the 12th Planet moving at a consistent speed,
>> either at the high speed we have given, where it traverses
>> your solar system within a 3 month period, or at the sedate
>> pace it assumes when midway between its foci. Is this how
>> comets behave? They have a consistent speed, without
>> variance? They don't speed up upon approach to the Sun?
>> You KNOW better than this, and any fool can see your
>> motives here!
> THE VERY LEAST. Okay, I'll try to translate this down to
> language that evey you can understand. ..
> Then I assumed that it's going to be flying along as fast as it
> is going to go past the Earth even when it is out beyond Jupiter.
> The result is that it is 50 AU out or closer. ..
> Okay, I can make it move slower when it is 50 AU out, and have
> the appropriate velocity past the Earth ..
> [email protected]

I think the Zetas understood what you said very well, Lamont. Your clarification posting says that you are assuming a consistent speed for the comet behavior of the 12th Planet, just as the Zetas said you were doing after having digested your first posting.