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Re: Disproving Nancy

Article: <[email protected]>
From: [email protected](Nancy )
Subject: Re: Disproving Nancy
Date: 12 Feb 1997 15:55:24 GMT

In article
<[email protected]>
Richard Townsend writes:
> Nancy, come clean. Either demonstrate that everything you
> have to say is scientific by giving us a means to disprove
> your hypotheses (and, indeed, the means to disprove the
> fact that the Zetas exist), or accept that nothing you have
> to say has any Scientific basis - in which case, stop arguing
> against current scientific theories when you have no
> alternative SCIENCE (pseudo-science and codswallop,
> maybe, but not science).
> Richard Townsend <[email protected]>

(Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
The evidence we point to is the same evidence you humans point to - THE SAME. The revolution of planets, the fact that object drop toward the Earth, attracted by gravity, the fact that water and air spins in different directions when on different parts of the globe - this is the data that we are using in our arguments. Are we and our emissary, Nancy, to be held to a different standard than you? And why is that? Because we make you uncomfortable? You're a little less smug when we poke holes in your logic? You're a little less secure when we point out that global warming could not account for the increased heating of the oceans, which as your scientists know and have reported occurs from the bottom up, from the water closest to the core? You feel uneasy seeing that your government is lying to you about Hale-Bopp and Planet X, that cover-ups exist, and wonder what else they may be withholding from you?

More often than not, theories cannot be DISPROVED unless one has complete control of a setting, including ALL the variables. This doesn't occur in your labs, if you're honest enough to admit it. Yet YOU can post anything on this message board and not be challenged. That's because anything YOU have to say, Richard, allows your fellows to remain smug and comfy, their precepts unchallenged and their little world remaining the same until THEY choose to change it. Fantasy, in those who accuse our emissary, Nancy of fantasy.
(End ZetaTalk[TM])