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Re: Nancy/Zetas

Article: <[email protected]>
From: [email protected](Nancy )
Subject: Re: Nancy/Zetas
Date: 12 Feb 1997 15:50:09 GMT

Here's a couple more that will make me a prophet yet!
In article: <[email protected]> I wrotes:
> Here we have David and Paul pretending to fight. They did
> this once before, too, at the end of a months long sci.asto debate
> that went over the 1995 holiday season, the Re: Ephermerides -
> the Zetas Explain debate thread. I pointed out at the end of that
> debate that David and Paul and Thomas Randall were
> contradicting each other, but FAILING TO CORRECT EACH
> OTHER. However, they leapt on every possibility of a
> contradiction in the ZetaTalk postings, proving that they were
> working together. After that Paul and David instituted a thread
> that went on for weeks, wherein they degenerated into "did not",
> "did too", "did not", "did too".

And here they go!

In article <[email protected]> David Tholen writes:
> Paul Schlyter writes:
>> If you want to act like a 9-year old kid, I suppose I cannot
>> stop you.
> If you want to act like Bill Clinton, I suppose I cannot stop
> you. If you want to act like Bart Simpson, I suppose I cannot
> stop you. Both of these hypothetical situations carry as much
> meaning as your hypothetical situation.
>> But I'm not participating anymore!!!!
> Does this mean you will quit emailing people about Nancy?
>> This is the end of our discussion.
> You've said that before; I'll believe it when I see it (or don't see
> it, as the case may be).
> [email protected] (Dave Tholen)