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Re: Nancy/Zetas

Article: <[email protected]>
From: [email protected](Nancy )
Subject: Re: Nancy/Zetas
Date: 6 Feb 1997 14:40:10 GMT

In article <[email protected]> William Sommerwerck writes:
> PLEASE... before you respond... remember that *anything*
> you post only encourages her. She appears to be psychotic;
> there is no logic in responding to people who need the
> services of a mental health practitioner.
> William Sommerwerck <[email protected]>

Dear William,
I'd love to hear your explanation of

  1. why the oceans all around the world dropped suddenly in sea level by 16 to 20 feet some 3,500 years ago;
  2. why whale bones are found 500-600 feet above sea level on mountain tops along the east coast of North America;
  3. why our Earth's crust records not only that the magnetic poles were positioned in different places (described as wandering poles by some) but that the north and south poles at times were tropical or semi-tropical areas;
  4. why folklore around the globe includes tales of the great flood;
  5. how it is that the ancient Summerican, as reported by Sitchen, were aware of our outer planets before modern man knew about them; and 6. why the concept of a planet with a highly elliptical orbit is inconceivable when human scientists have recently discovered that such planets do exist in other solar systems.

There's a word for folks like you, who would rather put a sack over their heads than look at facts and DEAL with them. It relates to backbone and courage, for one thing, i.e. scared shitless and in denial. "Say it isn't so!" they cry, and when no one else says it isn't so, then THEY say this, to comfort themselves. It also relates to the ability to encompass a number of facts at once rather than micro-focus, which I note David does. Apparently his friends are of a like ilk.