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Re: Nancys "productivity"

Article: <[email protected]>
From: [email protected](Nancy )
Subject: Re: Nancys "productivity" ...
Date: 1 Feb 1997 21:58:14 GMT

In article <[email protected]> Kent Nickerson writes:
> Henry Warwick wrote:
>> I think she's a working stiff like the rest of us.
>> The difference is, she has ABSOLUTELY no life outside
>> her zetascam(tm). Think about it- how much TV do you
> It is quite possible that she knows exactly what she is doing:
> arguing in circles to stir up (no pun intended :-)) the sci.astro
> group, then sell it as a phenomenon that confounds the 'experts'
> There really is a large market for this stuff and some money to
> be made on her book (I am told that she is selling one). She
> may be perfectly together on this.
> Kent Nickerson <[email protected]>

For sure, working 18 hour days doesn't leave me any room to "have a life" as Henry says. Most people who see the ZetaTalk web site, including the Troubled Times postings that reside there, all of which I act as web master for, combined with an ongoing sci.astro debate and the monstrous e-mail queues that fill up with e-mail from all over the world - think I not only work on this full time but have a STAFF. Always brings a smile to my face when I hear "could you or someone on your staff .."

I don't have any intention of selling the sci.astro debates, making a profit on them. If you'll note in reading the Question Queue link, I state that anything the Zetas write is incorporated into ZetaTalk with NO indication of when or where or how the answered arose. The ZetaTalk that arises during these sci.astro debates is no different. Check the What's New link and you'll see many new ZetaTalk topics included over these past couple months that appeared FIRST in response to these debates. ZetaTalk is composed of 882 topics, and 108 graphics, with the Question Queue number currently set at 1203 and this not including the hundreds of questions not run through the Queue. All this arose over the past two years, and done in my spare time. Does it sound like I NEED these debates for material?

There's a point you're missing here, not that I haven't stressed it dozens of times. I'm not doing this for fun and profit! Do you think getting insults thrown in my face and working to the point of exhaustion every day is fun? And for your information any profits I ever make will go into an educational direction, helping to packaging and distribute the material similar to what is being developed within Troubled Times, solution sets on how to live through and beyond one of those nasty pole shifts like the one we're about the have!

Let me ask you what YOU would do if

  1. you'd read Velikovsky and actually processed the scientific studies showing periodic (3,600 year) cataclysms the world experiences and the and written and oral history of peoples who tell of a red dust and huge tidal waves and firestorms falling from the sky and decades of gloom afterwards
  2. gotten information from a group of folks (ZetaTalk) whom you KNOW are real due to various things that have happened to you personally, and who have been absolutely on target on literally hundreds of statements they have made
  3. talked to a former NASA flight engineer who stated that the initial Hale-Bopp newspaper articles were encoded with code words that meant "do not challenge this story", and to an astronomer who works for one of the major observatories who confirmed re Planet X a.k.a. the 12th Planet that "we were looking for it, and now we're tracking it, and it comes through the solar system every few thousand years and pretty much tears up the Earth".
  4. you had children and grandchildren you cared deeply about, and gave a damn about all the other little children who'd also be really left in the lurch as a result of the cover-up going on

What would YOU do with your time. Shop?