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Re: Orbital Elements for the 12th Planet

Article: <[email protected]>
From: [email protected](Nancy )
Subject: Re: Orbital Elements for the 12th Planet
Date: 24 Jan 1997 15:09:57 GMT

In article <[email protected]> Paul Campbell writes:
> When I run these elements in my copy of Dance of the Planets
> I find that the 12th planet does indeed lie to the left of
> Betelgeuse but if I let the program run for a few years the
> path is quite different from that posted by Nancy at
> http:///
> One is left asking the question of why does Nancy have the 12th
> planets path nearly on the ecliptic during the time of 1998 to 2001
> when it's clearly supposed to be 11 degrees below the ecliptic?
> Paul Campbell <[email protected]>

The Zetas have given us quite a few details on the incoming behavior of the 12th, Paul, and it does NOT behave like your typical comet. Remember that piece about RETROGRADE ORBITS?

The 12th is currently acting like a typical planet, having a counterclockwise orbit and floating up toward the plane of the ecliptic (did I get that term right?). As it draws closer, it starts moving into a retrograde orbit, due to the factors outlined by the Zetas, and also drops AWAY from the ecliptic to avoid the outlying planets, the repulsion force thing.

Thus, when it starts zooming through the solar system, it has a 32 degree angle, not 11 degrees. So .. for the orbital elements, you'd probably need at least two - one for the 11 degree angle and counterclockwise orbit (now) and another for the 32 degree angle and clockwise, i.e. retrograde, orbit (2003), and maybe a couple for in between when it float up near the ecliptic.

For those who don't want to bother, they can always wait until May something, 2003, when the Earth stops rotating for a few days, the oceans heap up, the crust shudders and slips away from the 12th as the north pole is pushed backwards away from the Sun, tidal waves several stories high roll over the coastal areas, and petrochemicals formed by air passing over super hot volcanoes flash and burn and drop here and there on the hapless beneath the wall of fire. Me, I'm making plans for myself and my loved ones.