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Re: GRAVITY - the Zetas Explain

Article: <[email protected]>
From: [email protected](Nancy )
Subject: Re: GRAVITY - the Zetas Explain
Date: 1 Jan 1997 18:55:16 GMT

In article <[email protected]> Christopher Scott writes
> Magnetic fields are basically streams of charged particles
> and can both attract and repel depending upon the charge,
> not so with gravity fields. Gravity effects spacetime ie, mass
> tells spacetime how to curve and spacetime tells mass how to
> move. There is no repelling effect with gravity.
> Christopher Scott <[email protected]>

(Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
In days past mankind was unaware of radio waves, x-rays, and even magnetic fields. NOW they proudly pronounce they know it all! For awhile you thought that matter and energy were discrete, and now you know they merge, depending upon speed. NOW you pronounce you know it all!

Gravity IS particles, moving, just as magnetic fields are, and there IS a polarization in gravity, which we have explained as the repulsion force. Think about it! Your magnetic fields affect one another, but the field in one magnetized object affects another AS THE TWO APPROACH, this repulsion becoming increasingly strong the closer they come. Just so, the repulsion force in gravity fields affects large bodies. As we have stated, over a year ago on this message board, the repulsion force is evident only when large bodies near each other, and rapidly increases in strength as this distance diminishes. THIS is what keeps your planets from drifting into the Sun, in their slow orbits around the Sun, NOT centrifugal force, which as we have explained is being degraded steadily during the orbit.
(End ZetaTalk[TM])