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Re: Why We WORSHIP Newton

Article: <[email protected]>
From: [email protected](Nancy )
Subject: Re: Why We WORSHIP Newton
Date: 1 Jan 1997 18:49:12 GMT

In article <[email protected]> Kent Nickerson writes
> These TWO POSTULATES give rise to Kepler's Laws
> (confirmed without exception) of planetary motion, as well
> as the painstakingly confirmed classical physics of objects on
> Earth. Example: radial acceleration of body in circular
> orbit = v*v/r (according to calculus). Therefore, gravitational
> force on body F=ma also equals GMm/(r*r). This gives
> observed relations between orbit speed, period, distance and
> masses. No problem.
> [email protected] (Kent Nickerson)

(Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
You math are not LAWS but simply elaborate descriptions of OBSERVATIONS! Please! They work until they don't work, as you yourself mentioned. Then NEW "laws" are formulaed to describe nature in yet more elaborate ways! What was it that Newton replaced, and why is it that you worship Newton when Christopher has pointed out that Einstein debunked HIM? Time to switcho over to a new god, or better yet, start to think for yourself!

Try EXPLAINING what you observe, not just DESCRIBING it. You may arrive for work promptly at 8:00 each morning, and the lad next to you, being simple minded, might work up elaborate formulas describing just when he expects to find you thundering through the door and into your chair, but this does not explain WHY you are arriving. The pay check, the societal expectations, the warning from your boss on being late just one more time, and the new car you will lose if you have to find a new job. That EXPLAINS you arrival. Now, try not to be that simple-minded lad.
(End ZetaTalk[TM])