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PERTURBATIONS - the Zetas Explain - # 3

Article: <[email protected]>
From: [email protected](Nancy )
Subject: PERTURBATIONS - the Zetas Explain - # 3
Date: 25 Dec 1996 21:26:02 GMT

This is a continuation of the perturbation discussion, following the posts:

PERTURBATIONS - the Zetas Explain - #1 and
PERTURBATIONS - the Zetas Explain - #2

and dealing with the issue of the orbit SHAPE being altered.

(Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
More than the speed of the orbit is affected when orbiting planets perturb each other, the SHAPE of the orbits is also affected. Given a smaller planet passing on an inside track and orbiting at a faster speed, the smaller planet will pull OUTWARD toward the larger during passage. Thus, its orbit has been changed, as for a period of time it is tracking along in a wider curve, at a greater distance from its sun. According to the human explanation for orbits - that they represent an equilibrium between the planets forward motion and the gravity tug from the sun such that the forward motion has been bent into a curve, and that the equilibrium is maintained by centrifugal force caused by the continuing tug of the forward motion - this NEW orbit shape should be maintainable with no need for the planet to return to its pre-perturbation state.

WE have asserted that the equilibrium of orbits is maintained by a combination of not only the gravity tug from the sun but also by the repulsion force that has been generated between the planet and its sun, and the planets being swept ahead of rotating energy fields thrown out from the sun like long sweeping arms. That the perturbed planets RETURN to their pre-perturbation state is in line with OUR explanation, not the human explanation for orbits. Nevertheless, our explanation is called wacky and the dictates of the gods of science whom childish humans cling to in their desperate need for an security in an uncertain world once again perpetuate the Dark Ages of Astronomy, which are with mankind still.
(End ZetaTalk[TM])
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