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Re: Eric Kline CANNOT DEFEND his Newton Argument - Response # 2

Article: <[email protected]>
From: [email protected](Nancy )
Subject: Re: Eric Kline CANNOT DEFEND his Newton Argument - Response # 2
Date: 25 Dec 1996 02:14:20 GMT

In article <[email protected]>
> Yes, let's. You claim to be in telepathic communication with
> friendly aliens who couldn't pass a junior high school science exam.
> No one believes you Nancy because you are full of shit.
> So you and your idiot zetatalk can just go take a hike.
> You are a liar, and we needn't grant your arguments the least
> recognition.
> We don't have to deal with what your supposed zetas have to say,
> because YOU have ZERO credibility.
> So buzz off. Maybe the zetas can give Santa Claus some advice
> on avionics.
> Henry Warwick <[email protected]>

Ah, distraction and diversion. Meaning that Henry Warwich can't defend Eric Kline's Newton Argument EITHER.