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Re: Why do the planets continue to revolve?

Article: <[email protected]>
From: [email protected](Nancy )
Subject: Re: Why do the planets continue to revolve?
Date: 25 Dec 1996 02:11:18 GMT

In article <[email protected]>
> In simplest terms, which are my favorite, planets contine to
> revolve around the sun because there is nothing out there to
> stop them from doing so.
> [email protected] (Upperbasin)

(Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
Simplistically put, by a simpleton. Do you look upon EVERY situation in your life by dividing the issue up into such tiny bits that there is no complexity? Smug, and comfortable, and totally useless. This man, if a mechanic called to examine a car with a flat tire would say:

  1. the sun has risen for zillions of years
  2. while staring at the horizon I see only clear skies
  3. it is 4:40 in the afternoon, and I can see no problems anywhere
  4. my bill will be $45

And thus he addresses the problems that are presented here on sci.astro, but as he is dealing with theoreticals, trillions and billions or years ago, things NO ONE can contest, he thinks he stands as a expert! Only among the folks that allow this, and there seem to be plenty of those here on the sci.astro message boards.
(End ZetaTalk[TM])