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From: "Todd J. Jumper" <[email protected]
To: <[email protected]
Subject: My Close Encounters
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 1997 17:37:15 -0000
Hello to all of you at CE-4 research group! Recently I came across a file called "CNI - Bible on abduction." through a UFO mailing list. I would like to comment on the fact that it is correct that alien abductions are very similar to demonic possesion, may it even be safe to say that these "grey" beings are tied into the spiritual/demonic realm? My conclusions point to "yes" I am an alien abductee and a Christian. During my encounters I was able to stop the greys from abducting me by calling out for Jesus Christ - in which on various times an angel showed up and rescued me from the greys while I was fully conscious. Other abductees out there who call the greys "space brothers" or love the greys, I feel they are controlled and deceived - but if they enjoy getting anal probes that's their fancy. They feel that perhaps the greys created the angel also, but this would not make sense. A kingdom divided against itself is sure to fail. Anyway, as I way saying I am a Christian and have been protected during my encounters with the "grey" aliens. I was on the Sightings Radio show on October 24. www.sightings.com The host of the show claimed that the information I gave was a "new wrinkle" in the UFO / abduction research and shed some light on things. I have written down most of my experiences on my personal website and my story will be printed in a magazine which is due out on December 31. I hope my story can aid you in your research. Here is the URL to my site http://eagle-net.org/mce/
Todd Jumper
To: [email protected]
Date: Sat, 23 Aug 1997 17:50:44 -0400
Subject: Re: Great Article,
From: [censored]
Hi Wes, thanks for the nice reply to my e-mail. My interest in UFO,s goes back to the summer of 1962 ,when I had 3 sightings all less than 50 yards from me. First two sightings were witnessed by others- the last sighting was almost a CE4 - I was alone at Ft Devens Mass. around midnight. It wasnt untill the early 70s that the concept of ufos being of the spirtual world was put to me by a young minister just out of colledge. For the last 25 years of studying the UFO question and bible prophecy, I am completely sold that we are not dealing with aliens from outer space but, rather fallen angels confined to the earth untill the day of judgement.
From: [censored]
Date: Sun, 17 Aug 1997 08:56:28 -0400
To: [email protected]
I just want to thank you for your article in the Florida Today. For the last 5 years something strange has happened to me that seems to be similar to what you have written. It started in 1992 when me and my husband started dating. We had moved in together and had a nice little 1 bedroom apartment. One night he had woken me up and told me that something woke him, He heard a humming noise, He couldnt move or speak or yell out and he happened to be looking at the end of the bed when he saw a tiny man in red. He said the little mans eyes were glowing and he thought it was the devil. I have to admit that I thought he was crazy but he was so scared. After that it never happened to him again but instead has happened to me ever since. I have never seen anything because my eyes have been closed everytime. What happens to me is something will purposely wake me up with a loud humming noise. Right then I cannot move or yell or anything for about 10-15 seconds. I know its evil whatever it is because I can feel its presence.
There has been other times that I have tried so hard to scream or yell that I have broken the force. But then it seems like it stays away for a couple of months and comes back stronger. One time scared me so bad that when I was trying to fight it and trying to yell that when I did, a monsterous growl came out of my mouth. My husband only heard mine but I know that it wasnt. For the longest time I was scared to tell anyone. The only ones who knew were my husband, my mother, my sister and brother. I was afraid that if I told anyone else they would think I was crazy or dreamimg. I know I was not dreaming but I had no idea what was happening. I was so scared. I knew I wasnt crazy but I wanted help so badly. I started to go back to church and when I did, it happened more frequently. Then one day a couple from my church came to my house to visit and I had never met them before. I finally got enough courage to tell them about it. He new exactly what I was talking about and called it Spiritual Warfare. I was so relieved to know that someone did infact actually believe me and knew exactly what it was. He explained it as demons but also told me it was called Demon Oppression. That I could not become posessed because I had been Baptised. Boy that was a relief to know. I would like to know if you have heard of any stories similar to this. It would bring more relief to know that I am not the only one this has happened to. Thank you very much for taking the time and reading this.
From: [censored]
To: <[email protected]
Subject: aliens
Date: Sun, 17 Aug 1997 13:30:15 -0000
I just read a synopsis of your ideas from Florida Todays Space Online dated August 17, 1997. I find your theories very exciting and interesting. I have a personal stake in this, as I have been hearing voices for the last two years. Originally, they claimed they came to save me, and rescue me. And they say Jesus died for you. Now, one thing you must understand, is that I turned my back on religion and the church in 1980, after my parents were divorced. So for me to be told that I am being rescued by Jesus or angels or whatever is fantastic to me and I dont know why thet would rescue me. After awhile, I began to feel things all over my body, and they seem interested in my semen for some reason. I must tell you, that I have been since diagnosed as a schizophrenic. But couldnt my hearing of the voices be real (they sure seem real!). I never believed in god after my parents, and yet now I do, and I can hear the voices battle for my control in my head (when I dont take my medicine). To the best Im able to ascertain, Im in some kind of zoo, and there are experiments being done to me. This al began two years ago. The voices say the rapture is coming, and they want to rescue me from what is going to happen. Not having read the bible more than the first couple of chapters, I do not know from what they are trying to rescue me (other than the apocalypse). I am interested in exploring all possibilities, so Id like your input in this thing. Like I said, I have been diagnosed as a schizophrenic. I hear and feel things. But maybe the voices are real.
From: [censored]
To: [email protected]
Date: Sat, 06 Sep 1997 18:03:10 PDT
to ce4,
This experience happened to me in the fall of 1987 in san francisco, ca in the cities nob hill section.The experience was first noticed when one afternoon I arrived home(home was an apt shared with 2 others) I heard a sound (woo woo woo) like vibration, the sound slowly dissapated and I mentioned it to my roomates-and I figured that was the end of it. The following night I wake up-I am leaning on my elbow and I look accross my futon and the clock says 3aman interesting time of the morning for me for sometime.All the sudden I feel a fear comming over me then I am paralyzed cant move trying to yell for my roomate - facial muscles can move, barely can speak, not enough to be audible,then the sound comes (woo woo woo) and I blackout. Next morning I wake up to feeling violated, this feeling lasted for days like being raped - While going to work Im walking thru the embarcadero and I notice a book hard back - and it has this face on it alien looking-so I go into the bookstore and look at it says true story.This book was communion. I bought it and was amazed when I read about his abduction experience I got chills all over.I cant say that this has happened to me again. if you have any information for me I would appreciate it cause I really dont know what happened to me on that early morning, one thing I know it wasnt a pleasurable experience
From: [censored]
To: <[email protected]
Subject: deception!
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 1998 05:10:10 -0500
Glory be to God the Father and Jesus Christ our Saviour ! I say this with real heartfelt sincerity and relief. I have had experience three encounters two of wich were demonic attack (alien abduction). Calling on Jesus did halt the attack. I also know of another person who was in a similiar situation but I have since lost his email address but could probalbly get in touch with him. I have often thought that this alien abduction was demonic but the alien slant had me intrigued I have really been interested in the alien story since the 3rd occurance. After replying to a post about scary dream in one of the Christian newsgroups I started thinking...that if this thing was as common as the media seems to indicate then there should at least be a handful of Christians out there whove had similiar experiences. I would be grateful for any corrospondece.
From: [censored]
To: <[email protected]
Subject: Need to Talk
Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 12:06:42 -0600
Dear Mr. Clark,
I saw a page about the CE-4 Reasearch Group and am interested and want to know more. I m a Christian and feel like I had a strange experience or two myself . I also feel I overcame them by faith in Jesus. I would like to talk/ write to you about it and to know what you think regarding it. I hesitate to send it E-mail. I fear one of my children might rummage through deleted messages sent and find it. ( It really had ME stressed out for a while ,and when I eventually talked to my husband about it, he said it gave him the creeps. He was anxious about it , too. I dont want my kids getting scared for me or for themselves. It just isnt necessary.)
From: [censored]
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 02:17:31 EST
To: [email protected]
Subject: abduction
found your information on the stoping alien abduction by the calling on of a higher power. i too have had a similar experinece. i do not consider myself a christian, however i do have belief in spirituality. i was abducted 2 years ago by what are considered the grays. i now know that this has been happening to me since early childhood. i am at this time 40 years of age. their purpose i am unclear of and do not have memories of what specifically was and had happened during these experiences. 2 years ago i was abducted from my bed and recall with vivid memory of the beginning of the abduction. the fear was incredible and i knew who they were and that their purpose was not positive. i related this experience to a friend of physic abilities. I was told by her that if and when it happened again that i should ask it if it was of the light. a couple of months later it did happen. through the fear that griped me i asked it if it were of the light. it screached as if in pain and backed off instantly to observe me from a distance to take in what happened. i swear that all i tell is the truth. these experiences were as real as you reading this email this very moment. there is much much more to the specifics of my experiences and i wish not to get any more involved than what i tell you now. i saw your info on the net and wanted to relate this to you. it is the truth
From: [censored]
To: <[email protected]
Subject: abductions
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 1998 13:47:20 -0800
Dear Sirs,
I read a little bit about your CE-4 research project and I was wondering if it were possible to discuss a little bit with you about some experiences I have been having. A lot of things have happened lately but my first memory was when I was eleven. I have been searching the internet for a long time in hopes of finding some kind of support service but they appear to be few and far between and they also appear to be pro alien. I have serious doubts about alien motives and do not want to set myself up for deception. Im a mother of seven children, six boys and one little girl. My husband and I are not church goers per-se but we do study Torah, the Bible, the Kabbalah and other ancient, religious writings on our own and with our children. We are seriously considering converting to Judaism which is why these experiences are very disturbing to me. Im not sure whats going on. I do believe that SOMETHING is going on. I have nobody to explian it to me or tell what I should do. Im extremely worried about my children. I feel helpless to protect them and I dont understand why, when my beliefs are and convictions are so strong, these entities are still continuing to stay around me and my family. I realize your your very busy but if you could give me any input at all I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks for your time.
Date: Sat, 06 Sep 1997 23:13:43 -0700
From: [censored]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Florida Today Article
Gentlemen -
Recently I read the Florida Today account of your research. Im especially interested in the religious component that you seem to be discovering in some ufo abduction cases. Back about 1973 my wife had a strange experience in the middle of the night. At the time we knew nothing about UFO abductions, so we had no category in which to place it other than extremely lucid nightmare. It has many of the abduction components. The point is that she stopped the entities and the whole experience with the name of Jesus. I would very much appreciate knowing of any other information (such as case histories) that continue to confirm your findings. Its vital to get this information out.