Emergency Ops
There are really only three things that we should add to what is currently being done
within Troubled Times.
- For every solution set, we should make a conscious effort to address salability. In
this regard, we should be utterly practical. For instance, the Troubled Times, Inc.
approved prototype/demo list contains both a small water distillation demo for the
purpose of teaching the principles, and a large scale water distillation prototype to
supply the needs of a small community, since people need up to 6 gallons each per
day. For larger groups the salability would most likely come in providing a number
of the large units as opposed to making the units themselves larger.
- Place an even higher emphasis on means of getting the word and solution sets out
and available to not only individuals, but also Emergency Operations Centers. This
is a longer term activity that needs planning so that it can also be scaled up as time
becomes shorter and there is likely to be a greater acceptance I think that as far as
medium size communities go, that a form of the information should be somewhat
targeted to the Emergency Operations Directors of these communities ahead of the
pole shift, but late enough that they would be less likely to discard the information as
they would do now, should they receive it. This puts the information in the hands, not
so much of leaders, as those civil servants who will be immediately responsible for
such matters.
- Where we now make it clear that people in communities, both large and small on
down to individual families on the farm who live in "unsafe" areas such as the coast,
and people in large metropolitan areas should evacuate; we should also make it
clear that there are definite limits to the salability of the solution sets, and that as
part of any Emergency Management Plan, a community of 30,000 (or whatever)
survivors should be broken up into more manageable groups and dispersed so that
the solution sets are workable.
Offered by Ron.