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From the archives at [email protected]
Wasp Nest
- I can't remember where I read it, but the best tinder for fire starting is shredded wasp nest.
- Ted Bailey
[email protected]
Bark Tinder
- I am glad that you brought up the question of the shredded bark tinder that was mentioned in the article. I was reporting what John Rowlands said he used but in all my years of experimentation on the subject of catching sparks I have never had any succes with the dry, finely shredded bark. In addition, no one who is into primitive tech. that I have talked to has indicated success either. Ditto for mouse or birdnests. I have only had success with charred material. The only thing I have seen that is uncharred that will catch and nurture a spark is a type of fungus that is sometimes found in birches or cherry trees and it is amazing to see.
- Wyatt Earl
- I know that cedar bark works well, but I haven't been able to light it.
- David Wendell
Rotten Wood
- One ember enhancer I like is rotten, corky, punky wood. It will not catch up into flame, but given time that piece of rotten wood will become one big, glowing ember.
- Benjamin Pressley
[email protected]
Charred Pith
- I was wondering if anyone has tried using charred pith as a coal enhancer tinder. I have had good luck using the charred center pith of mullein in demonstrations with flint and steel. The actual charring process is a little more tricky than it is when dealing with cotton, but it seems to work nonetheless.
- Jon Harshbarger
[email protected]- I have also charred and used the pith of mullein as well as red sumac. They do char and work very well. The are also difficult to keep together in a pile. I usually make a birdnest of fluffy tinder and poke a finger sized hole to hold it as tightly together as possible and it works very well.
- Benjamin Pressley
[email protected]