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- Flooding in the Streets of Jakarta, Indonesia
May 5, 2011
http://www.wartanews.com/read/Monaspolitan/- Heavy rain, which broke out in the metropolitan area in the morning resulted in the flooding water of the road that affect the flow and traffic on these roads. Most streets were flooded, so that at some time congestion. Here is some information about some of the streets:
1. MT Haryono way road near Tebet Bukopin up to 25 cm
2. In Pancoran pool water reaches 15 cm
3. In Keladpa Gading water level as high pavement.
4. Harapan Baru, Bekasi, swimming pool water up to 20 cm
5. Jalan Raya Sunter, swimming pool water up to 30 cm- Social Nursing Alkausar Floods
May 18, 2011
http://www.pikiran-rakyat.com/node/145514- Poor drainage causes the water to overflow into the road surface causing flooding.
- Kampung Pulo Flooded Floods
May 21, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/ibukota/201105/335414/kampung_pulo_tergenang_banjir- Settlement residents in Kampung Pulo Pondok Labu, South Jakarta, flooded up to as high as one meter, Saturday (5/21).
- Beware, 6 Hours After Jaktim Posted Jaksel & Water
May 20, 2011
http://news.okezone.com/read/2011/05/20/338/459366/waspada-6-jam-lagi-jaksel-jaktim-dikirim-air- Depok - Region South Jakarta and East Jakarta near the river Ciliwung will receive shipment of water from the Depot. This was due to heavy rains that caused rivers Kalibaru, Depok overflowed. As reported, rain accompanied by strong winds that hit the region since Depok at 16:00 until around 20:00 pm cause Kalibaru river overflowed. Until now the river was still flooded roadway Citayam, Depok, and soak homes located around the rivers.
- Note: nothing but sunny days in Depok, no rain whatsoever:
http://www.wunderground.com/history/airport/WIHH/2011/5/21/MonthlyHistory.html- River Overflowed Kalibaru Depok
May 20, 2011
http://news.okezone.com/read/2011/05/20/338/459361/hujan-deras- Flooding also causes flow of traffic jams in Depok. Congestion occurs from Depok terminal to the train station approximately five miles.
- Flooding Still Soaking Hundreds of Houses in Pondok Labu
May 22, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/ibukota/201105/335565/banjir_masih_merendam- Flooding hundreds of homes are still soaking in six neighbors in the region rutun Kelurahan Pondok Labu, Cilandak, South Jakarta. Altitude water almost knee-foot adults.
- Floods Soak Post Cilandak
May 22, 2011
http://www.berita8.com/read/2011/05/22/2/42746/Banjir-Kiriman-Rendam-Cilandak- Flood posts since Saturday (5/21/2011) yesterday that hit the region Pondoklabu RT 9.3, Cilandak, South Jakarta until now has not ended. Floods inundate residents who are due to heavy rains upstream region, such as Bogor and Depok which flows into the Kali Grogol up to overflowing.
- Floods Soak Hundreds of Houses in Pondok Labu
May 24, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/newsvideo/2011/05/24/128844/Banjir- Hundreds of homes in the village of Pulo, Pondok Labu, South Jakarta, again inundated. Flooding that had reached a height of four feet, forcing some residents to flee to places more secure. After a submerged on Saturday last week, hundreds of houses of residents in five RT in RW 3 and 8, Kelurahan Pondok Labu since the dawn came back flood.
- Residents Asked for Folder Kapok
May 24, 2011
http://www.beritajakarta.com/2008/id/berita_detail.asp?idwil=0&nNewsId=44754- Even before the flooding of the people in the house raise up to one meter and embank residential areas with sandbags. But in fact the effort was in vain because of flooding remained flooded residential areas.
- Floods Soak Hundreds of Houses in Pondok Labu
May 25, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/newsvideo/2011/05/24/128844/Banjir-Rendam- Hundreds of homes in the village of Pulo, Pondok Labu, South Jakarta, again inundated. Flooding that had reached a height of four feet, forcing some residents to flee to places more secure.
- Soak 2 Month Has Hundreds Houses Residents
May 24, 2011
http://www.indosiar.com/fokus/90749/telah-2-bulan-rendam-ratusan-rumah-warga- Floods hit parts of Jakarta, it could be nothing new for the citizens. Even some people familiar with the condition of homes flooded. But what if the floods continue to hit for two months? These conditions override the hundreds of houses of residents in Jalan Bango, Kelurahan Pondok Labu, South Jakarta. It has been two months of their homes flooded up to as high as one meter, that do not subside.
- Floods Add Kampung Pulo High
May 25, 2011
http://www.tempointeraktif.com/hg/jakarta/2011/05/25/brk,20110525-336651,id.html- The floods in Kampung Pulo, Pondok Labu, South Jakarta, had not yet subsided. Water that comes from the overflowing of Kali Krukut still inundate settlements residents to stomach high as adults.
- Residents Pondoklabu Restless, 2 Months Not Visit fading Floods
May 25, 2011
http://www.beritajakarta.com/2008/id/video_play.asp?vid=3149- In the past two months hundreds of homes on Bango Road, Pondoklabu District, South Jakarta submerged 1 meter high flood that do not subside. Inundation that flooded houses residents from flood water which divides the river Krukut their village. Parties and related officials Pondoklabu village now find out the cause of why the flood did not recede as well.
- Jakarta Plans to Build Dikes to Prevent Water
May 31, 2011
http://kawasanindustri.com/jakarta-akan-berencana-membuat-tanggul-untuk-mencegah-air/- Indonesia plans to build a large dike to prevent the sea from breaking over the capital because of land subsidence and sea level rise. The rate of decline in soil faster than rising sea levels, and both resulted in the phenomenon of flooding on the north coast of Java, including Jakarta. The city has installed high-powered pump in the northern part of town, where the land is below sea level, as part of flood control efforts.
- Floods Soak 6 RT in Pondok Labu
June 1, 2011
http://metropolitan.inilah.com/read/detail/1564622/banjir-rendam-6-rt-di-pondok-labu- The rain that fell on Tuesday (5/31/2011) night, causing flooding in the neighborhood in the area of Dairy Kitchen, Village Council, Village South Pondok Labu, Cilandak District, South Jakarta. Rain or no rain water always go up.
- Seven Districts in South Awash
May 05, 2011
http://www.chulay212.co.cc/2011/05/tegalkamulyan-cilacap-banjir.html- Only the interval of about two hours, the highway that became a liaison to the Ocean Fishing Port of Cilacap stagnant water. The road in front of the Department of Housing Complex opposite Cilacap PPS Elementary School Tegalkamulyan Cilacap (Jl.Kayak) seemed flooded by water.
- Road-Grogol Telukan Awash Flood
May 05, 2011
http://suaramerdeka.com/v1/index.php/read/news/2011/05/05/84783/Jalan-Telukan- Heavy rain which flushed Sukoharjo and surrounding areas since Thursday (5 / 05) morning, making the streets in the City Makmur under water. On the main road Telukan-Grogol, precisely in front of the market Telukan submerged about 15 centimeters.
- Rain, Residents Jetis Misgivings
May 05, 2011
http://www.solopos.com/2011/klaten/diguyur-hujan-warga-jetis-was-was-96335- Villagers Jetis Juwiring District, Klaten following the discharge of anxiety in the local village Blora River began to rise after continuous rain.
- Dozens of Houses Still Floods Soak in Tuban
May 05, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/newsvideo/2011/05/04/127579/Banjir-di-Tuban-Meluas- Dozens of homes in Tuban, East Java, is still flooded, due to overflowing of Solo. Water levels still ranged between 50 to 100 centimeters. Floods still soaking dozens of houses in four villages, in the District Rengel, Tuban, East Java. Village is a village submerged Ngadirejo, Karangtinoto, Kanorejo and Tambakrejo. Puddle of water that is still this high, forcing residents to daily activities, in the middle of flood siege.
- 400 Unit House Awash Flood
May 06, 2011
http://www.radarjogja.co.id/berita/utama/16461-400-unit-rumah-terendam-banjir.html- Torrential rains that began almost a day since yesterday morning (5 / 5), causing flooding in the village of Jetis, Juwiring District, Klaten Regency.
- Extensive Flooding in Sampang
May 06, 2011
http://us.surabaya.detik.com/read/2011/05/06/095728/1633764/475/banjir- After overnight rain, the floodwaters that soaked the City Sampang widening. If only yesterday's floods inundating the Mountain Village Sekar, today, Friday (5/06/2011) floods submerging three villages and three villages in the Maritime City. As a result, floods with a height varies between 50 cm - 120 cm, submerging thousands of homes that are spread in the village population Dalpenang. Rongtengah and Mountain Village Sekar, Maddah Mountain Village. Stage and Village Paseyan. Besides submerging thousands of homes, crippling flood path toward Sub Omben Sampang City and District Karangpenang.
- Floods Hit Sampang, Paralyzed Citizen Activities
May 06, 2011
http://news.okezone.com/read/2011/05/06/340/454087/sampang- Flooding not only immerse thousands of homes and public facilities, but also crippled the main route between districts. Schools forced to dismiss the learning activities. Hundreds of students SDN Dalpenang a forced closed because the water flooded classrooms.
- Kadesh Jetis Ask Talut Improved River
May 06, 2011
http://www.solopos.com/2011/klaten/banjir-kades-jetis-minta-talut-sungai-diperbaiki-96475- Floods that always struck Jetis Village, District Juwiring, Klaten, a local village head, Sri Sumedi worried. Rain continued to fall in the Klaten area also makes a number of roads in Klaten full of stagnant water, including in the streets of Solo-Jogja. Puddle of water also make roads Solo-Jogja start holes here and there.
- Solo River Overflowed, Flooded 120 Houses in Jebres
May 06, 2011
http://www.solopos.com/2011/solo/bengawan-solo-meluap-120-rumah- Hundreds of houses in several villages in Kecamatn Jebres stagnant water as high as 1.5 meters.
- Landslides in Indonesia
May 6, 2011
http://news.okezone.com/read/2011/05/06/340/454301/tebing-longsor-tiga- Floods in three districts due to heavy rains caused a landslide in the village Kertamukti, Cikelet, West Java, on Friday (05/06/2011). Three people died on the night of Friday. These events almost coincided with the flash floods in southern areas.
- Landslides in Indonesia
May 5, 2011
http://news.okezone.com/read/2011/05/05/340/453602/longsor-di-malang- The flow of water due to torrential rains caused a landslide, which affected three houses were severely damaged two homes were razed to the ground in Malang, East Java.
- Flash Flood, Hundreds of Houses in Garut Damage
May 07, 2011
http://news.okezone.com/read/2011/05/07/340/454341/banjir-bandang-ratusan- Hundreds of homes ditiga Garut district in South, West Java, suffered considerable damage due to flood-hit yesterday. In addition to sweep a number of residents to destroyed homes, flash floods are also rumored to swallow a number of casualties.
- Flood Area Flood Still Low
May 07, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201105/333144/banjir_masih_genangi_kawasan_rendah- Floods in the town of Sampang, Madura, East Java,had receding . But the floodwaters inundating some areas are still the lowest in the City of Sampang, Saturday (5/07). As in the Road Rose, Jasmine, and Jalan Imam Bonjol. Regions lowest was in Imam Bonjol.
- 50 Houses Will be relocated
May 07, 2011
http://www.fajar.co.id/read-20110506170135-50-rumah-bakal-direlokasi- To anticipate the subsequent flooding in the village of Bababinanga, District Duampanua, the government decided to relocate residents living on the banks of the River Saddang child.
- Activity at Mount Maddah Closed SDN
May 07, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201105/333126/aktivitas_di_sdn_gunung- Management of Public Elementary School Mount Maddah 3 in Sampang, East Java, dismiss the students, Friday (5/06), considering the higher water level. Previously, water levels reached one and a half feet.
- Floods in Sampang Increasing
May 07, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/newscatvideo/nusantara/2011/05/07/- Towards evening, flooding and submerging hundreds of homes rises.
- Floods, One Village at Tuban Isolated
May 06, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/newsvideo/2011/05/06/127657/Banjir- A village in Tuban, East Java, is isolated by floodwaters overflowing river Solo. Floods inundate the main street of the village. Watchlist Metro TV on Thursday (5 / 5), water levels 70 centimeters to one meter. A village in Tuban, East Java, is isolated by floodwaters overflowing river Solo. Floods inundate the main street of the village. Watchlist Metro TV on Thursday (5 / 5), water levels 70 centimeters to one meter.
- Houses on the Bara River swept Brang Bah
May 06, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/newsvideo/2011/05/06/127713/Rumah- Flash flood came at night. Without the signs, even making the most of the residents are still asleep panic. They helter-skelter to save themselves and other valuable possessions.
- Floods Soak the Seven Villages in Kabupaten Sampang
May 06, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/05/06/224116/289/101/Banjir-Rendam- Flooding in the subdistrict of the City, County Sampang, Madura, East Java, submerging at least seven villages. As a result of the disaster about 1,000 homes in juhuh municipality / village is now submerged.
- Help Flood Victims Complain Baleendah
May 08, 2011
http://www.pikiran-rakyat.com/node/144276- Flood Victims Kp. Cieunteung. Village / district. Baleendah complained that aid from Bandung regency only one liter of rice for a single head of household (HH). Aid is not enough let alone only rice and instant noodles do not exist or sardines.
- A Child Victims of Flooding in Sidoharjo
May 08, 2011
http://www.solopos.com/2011/sragen/seorang-bocah-jadi-korban-banjir-di-sidoharjo-96822- A boy, Ahlul Bumantara Suteja, 10, drowned in a ditch with a depth of about 2 meters in the village of snaps, District Sidoharjo, Sragen. The victim water play with friends on a street flooded by water.
- Some Areas Hit by Floods Klaten
May 08, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/05/07/224248/289/101/Sebagian-Wilayah-Klaten-Diterjang-Banjir- Some areas in Klaten regency, Central Java, hit by flooding on Saturday (5/07). Floods soak settlement residents, offices, schools, markets, and rice fields. Flooding due to overflowing of several rivers, among others Dengkeng, Cino, and Gampin. The height of the water reached the knees of adults
- Pandeglang Road Awash Flood-Attack
May 08, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201105/333232/jalan_pandeglangserang_terendam_banjir- Some of the main roads connecting Pandeglang and Serang inundated. Floods soak as high as 50 inches along the road nearly 500 meters to complicate passing vehicle users. Besides submerging roads, flooded into the shops and houses. Some business owners have to evacuate their belongings.
- Floods, 26 Houses Submerged Bukuran
May 08, 2011
http://www.solopos.com/2011/sragen/banjir-26-rumah-di-bukuran-terendam-96804- A total of 26 houses in the village of Bukuran, Kalijambe, Sragen submerged in water since Friday (5/06/2011). Until midnight, the water suddenly rose quite rapidly.
- Flood Threatens Puso, Farmers Rengkel Request Government Aid
May 08, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/05/08/224319/289/101/Banjir-Ancam- Bengawan river flood, he said, first occurred in late December. Furthermore, both the Solo river flood occurred again in late March. Now the flood submerging rice plants again. Right now, already 90 percent of the total area of eight villages submerged. In fact, until now the flood is still soaking the districts along the road axis connecting the two-kilometer-high eight villages are 10-25 cm. Paddy rice fields and flooded up to 1 meter.
- Floods Come again, Kampung Putat Displaced Citizens Return
May 08, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/05/08/224309/289/101/Banjir-Datang- Hundreds of homes in Kampung Putat, Sewu Village, District Jebres, Solo, Central Java, again inundated on Saturday (5/07). Residents who previously had returned to their homes are now forced to flee back to the tents set up on top of the embankment.
- Sampang Citizens Clean Mud Time Flood
May 08, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/newscatvideo/nusantara/2011/05/08/127779/- Floods are soaking City Sampang, Madura, East Java, on Saturday (5/07) morning, began to recede. But hundreds of homes, schools and offices affected by mudflow floods. Residents Dalpenang, Sampang, East Java, began to clean house and yard from the rest of mudflow floods.
- Flooding Kills 10 People
May 09, 2011
http://www.radiokotabatik.co.cc/2011/05/10-orang-tewas-akibat-banjir.html- Damaged public facilities hit by floods and landslides as many as 43 bridges, five school buildings, 35 places of worship mosques, 16 irrigation, three government offices scattered at some point in their respective districts, while agriculture recorded 882 damaged.
- Flood Losses in Bojonegoro Swallow Rp3, 6 Billion
May 08, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/05/08/224389/289/101/Banjir-di-Bojonegoro- In addition, the river flood the longest river in Java, with peak elevation in Bojonegoro, Thursday (5/04) reached 14.90 meters (standby II), also dampen an area of 208 hectares of crops. Flooding also soak residents as much as 1217 pieces, 39 200 meters along the road village and district roads 1,600 meters. Meanwhile, water levels in Bojonegoro, Sundays at 12.00 pm to reach 13.44 meters (Standby I) and the height of the water, to survive since a few hours ago. While water levels in Karangnongko Solo, Ngraho District, about 70 kilometers upstream, reaching 26.27 meters at 12.00.
- Floods Soak Back Seven Villages in Belu
May 09, 2011
http://www.tempointeraktif.com/hg/nusa_lainnya/2011/05/09/brk- A total of seven villages in West Malaka, Belu regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Monday, May 9, 2011 re-immersed 1 meter high flood. Flooding occurred following heavy rains that hit the area since Sunday, May 8, 2011. There's no way people fled to other villages because of the flood surrounded almost the entire village. Based on data from Tempo, the floods this time is the eighth time since Benanain River levee, the largest river in Belu district, broken-down end of March.
- House Floor Sinkhole 6 Meters, Unloading Cargo
May 10, 2011
http://www.suaramerdeka.com/smcetak/index.php?fuseaction=beritacetak3- Land subsidence as deep as 6 meters. Until now, residents claimed to not know what causes the phenomenon related to soil movement or subsidence in these Guyon.
- Land Subsidence in Pamrihan
May 10, 2011
http://suaramerdeka.com/v1/index.php/read/cetak/2011/05/10/145988/Tanah- Heavy rain which flushed in recent days resulted in a cracked soil began sinkhole. Before the sinkhole, soil in the area at the end of April and then cracked up to cause the walls of houses go broke.
- Avoid Catastrophic Landslides, Houses Demolished Kadus
May 09, 2011
http://www.solopos.com/2011/karanganyar/hindari-bencana-longsor-rumah- Cracks are more or less as long as 20 meters. Meanwhile, land subsidence is more or less to six meters.
- Flash Flood Victims Ask Relocated Garut
May 09, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/05/09/224631/289/101/Korban-Banjir- Residents of victims of floods and landslides in several villages in the subdistrict of Cikelet and Pemengpeuk, Garut regency, West Java, have quickly relocated to a number of places that are considered safe, and away from flood plains. Thousands of residents in two districts was left homeless by flash floods swept away on Friday (5/06) last week. These flash floods ravage at least 3700
- housing units.
- Hundreds of Hectares of Rice in Tuban Puso
May 09, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/05/09/224710/289/101/Ratusan- Solo river flood that occurred three ali in the last five months has made hundreds of farmers have run out of capital.
- Some Elementary Awash Flood
May 10, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/newscatvideo/nusantara/2011/05/10/127929/- Implementation of the National Primary School Examination, Tuesday (5/10), began to be implemented. However, some areas constrained flooding. Call it, dozens of Government Elementary School students (MI) in District Central time, Lamongan, East Java. As a result of floods, dozens of students in the Village MI Khozainul Ulum Bojoasri must ride a boat from home to school to fulfill the UN. Understandably, it's more than a month, their school flooded due to overflowing of Solo River.
- Three Areas in Sampang Still Awash
May 09, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201105/333495/tiga_wilayah_di_sampang_masih_terendam- Sampang: Floods still well up in three areas namely the Village Stage, Shuhada Street, and Jasmine Street in the City of Sampang, Madura, East Java, Monday (5/09). This area had been flooded three times since last 10 days.
- Rice Fields in the Banjar Awash Flood
May 09, 2011
http://www.pikiran-rakyat.com/node/144513- Some plants that lived about a month already confirmed dead due to floods submerged more than a week.
- There's Always Another Location That sinkhole
May 11, 2011
http://jurnalberita.com/2011/05/jalan-lintas-kecamatan-ambles-dinas-pu-tuban-anggap-wajar/- For users of highway sub Kerek - Montong located in the Village Kerek District Bawi expected to be careful, because the road is now 40 centimeters deep sinkhole. This road Amblesnya allegedly due to a decrease in land under the weight of the road due to the number of vehicles passing by. Due to declining land position, in addition to the position of the cliff road to not very strong in body weight-bearing way.
- Floods and Landslides Surround Citizens
May 11, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/05/11/225115/76/20/Banjir- Disaster still reluctant to go from a number of areas in East Nusa Tenggara. After flooding the Belu district, yesterday, turn North Central Timor regency, which disatroni overflow.
- Tens of Hectares of Rice Crops in the District. Bandung Floods
May 11, 2011
http://www.pikiran-rakyat.com/node/144712- Due to flooding create 62 hectares of rice fields inundated area between three to seven days. However, there are no wetland areas that otherwise puso because flood waters recede quickly with a pool of only 30 cm high.
- Flood Victims Still Isolated in Lamongan
May 11, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/newsvideo/2011/05/11/127984/Korban- Hundreds of flood victims in Lamongan, East Java, to Wednesday (5/11) was isolated flooding due to overflowing of the River Bengawan Jero. Residents claimed forced to use boats to go out into the village ,because access roads were cut off by flood waters. It has been more than two months, hundreds of residents in the Village Bojasri, District Central time, Lamongan, East Java, is still isolated flooding.
- Hundreds of Flood Victims are still Displaced in West Malaka
May 11, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/05/11/225214/290/101/Ratusan- He said the lives of refugees are very concerned about especially the whole agricultural area destroyed swept away. This year all residents in villages affected by flooding likely crop failure. They just need food aid from the government and philanthropists.
- Kian Flood, Residents Flee
May 12, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201105/333874/banjir_kian_tinggi_warga_mengungsi- Flooding continues to escalate in the village of Lasaen and Umatos and forcing residents to evacuate.
- The Landslide Area 5 Kilometers Depth of about 100 Meters
May 11, 2011.
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/05/11/225188/290/101/Longsor-Susulan- Cut off access roads lead to food aid and clean water from the government can not be distributed to the refugees. The landslide area has reached more than 5 kilometers with a depth of about 100 meters.
- Jero River Overflowed, Thousand Houses Awash
May 11, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/newsvideo/2011/05/11/128033/Bengawan- Thousands of homes in five districts in East Java Lamongan are still flooded, due to the overflowing Bengawan Jero. The level of water that flooded streets and homes reached 40 centimeters. Stagnant water is still going on the road and settlements reached a height of 20 to 40 centimeters.
- Two Months Already 5th District in Lamongan Flooded
May 13, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/newsvideo/2011/05/13/128193/Dua-Bulan- It's been two months, thousands of homes in five districts in Lamongan, East Java, flood. Residents began itching disease and diarrhea and food shortages.
- Floods Submerge Road in Tasikmalaya
May 14, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/newsvideo/2011/05/14/128204/Banjir- Heavy rains from Friday (5/13) afternoon until night sparked flooding in several streets in the city of Tasikmalaya, West Java. Moreover, poor drainage condition and not maintained. As a result, floods rises. Flood reached a height of one meter.
- Flood Happened More than two Months and had not yet Subsided
May 13, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201105/334121/banjir_tak_juga_surut_warga_mengungsi- Floods still continue to flow in the middle of township residents in the District of West Malaka, Belu, East Nusa Tenggara to Friday (13 / 5). Residents do their daily activities by walking through puddles. Residents who previously survived in their homes helpless and are now beginning to choose to join with other residents who fled earlier. Flood Benanain this has happened more than two months and had not yet subsided.
- The Sinking City
May 14, 2011
http://imo.thejakartapost.com/whatthepost/2011/05/14/the-sinking-city/- In Tambak Lorok, the northern part of Semarang city which is by the Java Sea, tides water often swamp people's settlement. Everyday tides water is like never absence from the area.
- Failed Harvest Farmers Belu
May 15, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201105/334372/banjir_petani_belu_gagal_panen- Tens of hectares of rice fields and farmlands in the village of Umatoos, District of West Malaka, Belu, East Nusa Tenggara, certainly failed harvests due to floods that do not subside. Floods that have occurred over the past two months also disrupt the activities of citizens, so many of them unable to work or to school.
- Still River Flood overflow Myrtle Point A in Sampang
May 15, 2011
http://taganajawatimur.blogspot.com/2011/05/luapan-sungai-kemuning-masih-banjiri.html- Floods due to overflowing of Sungai Kemuning still inundating some point in Sampang district, Sampang regency, East Java. Water levels reach 55 centimeters decided highway along 400 meters, which resulted in road user, both of which would go to the District as well as to the Sampang City Ompen disturbed. Flooding due to overflowing of the River Myrtle who are unable to accommodate the flow of rain water also flooded the primary school yard in Mount Maddah 3 in the Village of Mount Maddah, Kecamatan Sampang. In addition, the floods also inundated sections Faith Bonjol Street, Road and residents Suhede Suhede Street, with a height of about 10 centimeters of water.
- Floods Soak Sampang Return Shipment
May 16, 2011
http://www.zonaberita.com/jawa-timur/banjir-kiriman-kembali-rendam-sampang.html/- Floods soak City post back Sampang, Madura, East Java. Consequently, the path that connects the district Omben and Penang Coral disrupted on Monday (5/16/2011). Some Cities flood-soaked Sampang of the northern region, namely Omben, Coral Penang and Robotal.
- Baleendah Awash Again
May 17, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201105/334661/hujan_deras_baleendah_terendam_lagi- Heavy rain which flushed in Bandung on Sunday night, leading to Kampung Cieunteung, Baleendah district, Bandung regency, West Java, again inundated on Monday (5/16). Water with more than one meter height of settlement residents soaking. As a result, they must return home to stay on top of the attic. Actually, last week triggered floods that overflow of Citarum River has been receding. However, because of the high rain water discharge, Citarum River again overflowed. This condition is exacerbated by the arrival of shipments of water from the area south of Bandung.
- Rice in Padaherang Awash Flood
May 17, 2011
http://www.pikiran-rakyat.com/node/145428- During this very vulnerable area flooded, due to its location lower than the surface of the river water. Consequently very long flood subsided. Even some of the areas most of the year is always inundated.
- Restless Farmers Land Bonorowo Puso
May 18, 2011
http://www.surabayapost.co.id/?mnu=berita&act=view- Not only crop failure, land in the area Bonorowo, Lamongan puso was threatened because of stagnant water was not immediately shrink.
- Soak Cikapundung Nangkasuni
May 18, 2011
http://www.klik-galamedia.com/indexnews.php?wartakode=20110518041331- Lucky flood did not last long and within hours returned receding.
- 270 Houses in Cilacap Still Awash Flood
May 18, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/05/18/226882/127/101/270-Rumah- At least 270 houses in the village of Tarisi, District Wanareja, Cilacap regency, Central Java, to Wednesday (5/18) were submerged in floods as high as 50 to 60 centimeters (cm).
- Height of Water in Cieunteung Naik, 25 families evacuated
May 18, 2011
http://www.klik-galamedia.com/indexnews.php?wartakode- As many as 25 heads of households (HH) or 75 souls citizens Kp. Cieunteung, Exodus / Kec. Baleendah, Kab. Bandung return must be evacuated to refugee camps in GOR Kel. Baleendah, Tuesday (5/17). Evacuation followed heavy rain which made the water back home soaking in the region. Previous since Thursday (5/12) to Saturday (5/14) water level in flood area Cieunteung had subsided. But starting Sunday (5/15) until Tuesday (5/17) again reaches a height of 1 meter of water over, following heavy rains.
- Displaced left, House So Sarang Buaya
May 17, 2011
http://samudrabirucinta.blogspot.com/2011/05/ditinggal-mengungsi-rumah-jadi-sarang.html- Technical Facilitator National Program for Community Empowerment Self Belu district, Herlin Kiik, in Atambua, on Tuesday (5/17/2011), say, four villages had been deserted, there were no occupants at all because almost all the villages under water Benanain River.
- Lamongan Flood Victims Clean Water Crisis
May 19, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/newsvideo/2011/05/19/128510/Korban-Banjir- Hundreds of flood victims in Lamongan, East Java, on Wednesday (5/18), difficulty in obtaining clean water. Because the springs are still submerged lupan Solo River. Nearly three months, river flood Bengawan Jero or Bengawan In soak dozens of villages in five districts.
- Rob Landa Coastal Flood Sikka
May 19, 2011
http://www.nttonlinenews.com/ntt/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=9716- Flood tide (rob) submerging villages along the coast Wolomarang Village, District of West Alok, Sikka District, East Nusa Tenggara, on Wednesday (18 / 5) night. Floods as high as about 30 centimeters was also soak a house of worship and neighborhood health center. Rob occur following high waves that hit the water since Wednesday evening. Around 16:00 pm, occurred the high waves at the beach.
- Floods in Tuban still Soak Hundreds Hectares of Rice
May 19, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/05/19/227116/289/101/Banjir-di-Tuban- Hundreds of hectares (ha) of agricultural land and rice crops in eight villages in the district Rengel, Tuban, East Java, is still submerged in river flood Solo River.
- Three Districts in Cilacap, Clean Water Crisis
May 20, 2011
http://www.pikiran-rakyat.com/node/145742- Hundreds of heads of households in three districts in Central Java Cilacap clean water crisis due to floods. Because the floods contaminated wells citizens who pooled from this week. Itching disease already infecting hundreds of residents. Flooding occurred in several villages in three districts namely Wanareja, Gandrungmangu and Sidareja. In the village of flooding menyebkan Wanareja Tarisi District residents flooded 200 houses. While in Sidareja water had flooded at least 800 units of houses. Village Head Tarisi, Tohirman, acknowledged, since the flood, people began to residents wells brown and smelly.
- Floods Soak the Fourth District in Psychology
May 20, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201105/335285/banjir_rendam_empat_kecamatan_di_trenggalek- Flash floods soak the four sub-districts in Trenggalek, East Java, on Friday (5/20). In the village Kelutan, District Psychology, hundreds of houses submerged in water as high as one meter more.
- Flash Flood Lunge at Trenggalek District
May 20, 2011
http://us.surabaya.detik.com/read/2011/05/20/084300/1643012/475/banjir- The floods came early this morning and very sudden.
- Rob Flood in Semarang
May 20, 2011
http://myone1way.blogspot.com/2011/05/banjir-rob-seumur-hidup-di-semarang.html- The potential of the location of Semarang is located on the beach of course, but the location is located by the beach instead of a blessing for the people semarang precisely the opposite position with Java Sea make this area flood subscription rob. Floods inundate the north Semarang area, starting from the terminal terboyo, Genuk, Tawang station, Jalan Hasanuddin, Jalan MT Hary, Snapper Road, Jalan Tanah Mas, until the old town area.
- Regions Krembangan Greeted Rob Flood
May 20, 2011
http://us.surabaya.detik.com/read/2011/05/20/123922/1643215/466/kawasan- At least three regions of the Moro Krembangan, East Kalianak Greges and submerged in water that continues to rise until knee-length adult.
- Hundreds of Houses in Hyderabad Awash Rob Flood
May 23, 2011
http://kelanakota.suarasurabaya.net/?id=f146ee49e9961f7d7a004ca2476f102b201192890- About 700 homes in East Semarang Kelurahan Kemijen inundated rob that in this last week raged.
- Rob Flood Pooled, Residents Question Mayor Promises
May 23, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/newscatvideo/nusantara/2011/05/23/128792/- Floods rob commemorate the Port of Tanjung Mas, Semarang, Central Java, on Monday (5/23) afternoon. Flood makes the whole port activity disrupted. Floods with a height of five feet, it has been happening the past week. However, since yesterday afternoon, flooding into the biggest stage. Floods inundate the entire body of the road. As a result, the truck to the port having trouble move closer to the beach. In addition, loading and unloading activity was disrupted.
- Floods Hit East Bekasi
May 25, 2011
http://us.detiknews.com/read/2011/05/25/030635/1646284/10/hujan-lebat- Heavy rains hit Bekasi, West Java, the middle of the night until this morning. Rain causes flooding in the eastern region of Bekasi. Floods of them hit RT 05/20, Kelurahan Margahayu, East Bekasi, on Wednesday (5/25/2011). Dwi, one local resident, said, the water approximately 50 cm tall flooded the housing environment.
- Flood, 3 Thousand Students Bekasi No School
May 25, 2011
http://us.metro.vivanews.com/news/read/222559-banjir-genangi-7-sd-dan-1-sma-di-bekasi- A total of seven elementary schools in District Officers, District of North Bekasi, Bekasi, West Java inundated after heavy rain.
- Six Primary Schools and Hundreds of Homes in Bekasi City Floods
May 25, 2011
http://www.pikiran-rakyat.com/node/146353- Heavy rain which flushed Wednesday (5/25) early morning caused flooding in some areas in the city of Bekasi. In the Village Officer, District of Bekasi. North, floods inundated about a hundred houses and six elementary schools.
- Hundreds of Houses Awash Rob Flood
May 25, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/newscatvideo/nusantara/2011/05/25/128940/- Hundreds of homes in two villages in Semarang, Central Java, rob inundated on Wednesday (5/25). Flood tide water reaches as high as one meter. Regions worst submerged rob looks at Kampung Tambak Rejo village, Tanjungmas.
- Jl Pasundan and Merbabu Awash Flood
May 26, 2011
http://www.sapos.co.id/index.php/berita/detail/Rubrik/18/19097- Heavy rain for about 1.5 hours yesterday afternoon, making some areas in Java Village, Samarinda Ulu Subdistrict, submerged in water. The most in is in the region and Jl Jl Pasundan Merbabu. The water in the area close to knee height for adults.
- Coastal Flood in Semarang Rob Making Severe
May 27, 2011
http://www.suarakarya-online.com/news.html?id=279449- The floods of sea water (rob) in the coastal region of Semarang is getting worse and difficult to overcome. Entering June, puddle rob expected to increase with altitude can be reached 135 centimeters .
- Five years on, Indonesia's Mud Volcano still Erupting
May 27, 2011
http://sg.finance.yahoo.com/news/Five-years-Indonesia-mud-afpsg-3775167161.html?x=0- Almost every minute another jet of thick, boiling, foul liquid shoots into the sky followed by a white cloud of vapour, adding to the vast lake of mud which now covers more than 700 hectares (1,730 acres) of Java island's Sidoarjo district. Gradually, the mud has swallowed 12 villages, 30 factories, dozens of shops and a busy highway near the country's second largest city of Surabaya.
- Cisadane Overflowed, Awash Dozens of Homes in Bogor
May 27, 2011
http://www.tempointeraktif.com/hg/jakarta/2011/05/27/brk,20110527-337121,id.html- Heavy rain which flushed Bogor, West Java, on Thursday, May 26, 2011 night to make dozens of homes and three motorcycle units in three districts flooded about 1 meter tall. The rain resulted Ciapus Cisadane River and River overflowed. According to residents, flood water soaking Cisadane 40 houses in Kampung Sindangsari, Kelurahan Kebon Kalapa, Central Bogor district. Height of water on Thursday, May 26, 2011 at 20:00 pm to reach adult thigh.
- Floods in Bogor
May 27, 2011
http://news.okezone.com/read/2011/05/27/338/461651/perusahaan-bakrie- OGOR-rain which flushed the area resulted in the river Cibeureum Bogor, Bogor overflowed and caused at least 20 houses swept away. The incident occurred in the two RT is RT 4 and RT 3, RW 8, Cibeureum village, Mulya village, South Bogor sub-district, Bogor, on Thursday (5/26/2011).
- There are still People Refuse Relocation, Solo City Government Nonchalant
May 31, 2011
http://www.solopos.com/2011/solo/masih-ada-warga-tolak-relokasi-pemkot- Deputy Mayor (Vice Mayor) Solo, FX Hadi Rudyatmo stated the City (City Government) will not give a damn on a number of residents of the area banks of the Solo River which rejected the offer relocation. But Vice Mayor relocation program to make sure the banks will still proceed even if takes time. Currently Solo city administration plans to relocate residents in flood plains Semanggi, POND Market seems still must pass through a long road. Because, even though most citizens are willing to relocate, but about 30 families in the area still did not move to accept the offer relocation.
- Students Miss School Bench
May 31, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201105/336937/siswa_rindukan_bangku_sekolah- Flooding due to river overflow Benanain in Belu regency, East Nusa Tenggara, has not receded on Monday (5/30). The water is still well up in various places, including in some schools and making hundreds of students can not learn. In elementary school (SD) Inpres Beilout, for example. Song of children in refugee camps seemed to hope, for the officials in this country has a heart, to end their suffering. They are children who wish to gain knowledge. However, they have to evacuate flood made in District Weliman, seven miles from their school. Presidential Primary Position Beilout indeed on the path of water, making it very vulnerable to flood-hit district of East North Central and East South Central. Therefore, citizens expect the government to build a new school building in the settlements in the District Weliman, because the old location no longer eligible for educational activities. River flooding due to overflow Benanain occur on 27 March. Floods hit 27 villages in five districts, namely West Malaka, Malaka Tengah, Weliman, Kobalima, and East Kobalima.
- West Nusa Tenggara-Flash Floods Five Meters
May 31, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201105/336939/ratusan_korban_banjir_butuh_rumah- A month went by, but hundreds of flood victims in the District of Sape, Bima regency, West Nusa Tenggara, yet also feel comfortable life. They live in tents suffer. Some had sought refuge in the hills. The disease also attacked by them. Because no cost some even sleeping side by side with livestock. The flood victims have not received funding assistance to repair damaged houses. So far they only receive aid package staple goods such as instant noodles and rice from the local government. Flash floods hit as high as five meters in a dozen villages in the district Sape, 23 April last. The disaster killed two people and washed away dozens of homes and damaged thousands more. Flood allegedly due to rampant illegal logging in the mountainous district Wawo.
- Rain 2 Hours, Semarang Flood knee
June 1, 2011
http://regional.kompas.com/read/2011/05/31/17553760/Hujan.2.Jam.Semarang.Banjir.Selutut- Torrential rain for two hours, floods soaked the city center of Semarang. The rain which fell on Tuesday (5/31/2011) starting at 14.00 and about 16.00 subsided resulted submerged downtown area. The scene can be witnessed in the area of Simpang Lima, Erland housing, township Pekunden, Pleburan, Kampungkali, to Market Bubakan Johar and submerged up to knee-high adults.
- 38 Ha of Land Farmers Harvest Failure
May 06, 2011
http://www.jambiekspres.co.id/radar-jambi/19111-38-ha-lahan-petani-gagal-panen.html- Because each farm has a water dam area. If the dam was overflowing, of course, the water will inundate farm areas.
- Landslides in Indonesia
May 6, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/05/06/224048/126/101/Jalur-Tapaktuan- Again sinkhole in Aceh. Subsidence occurred in the region Jumbo Mount Hutt 05/05/11 at about 5 km from the city center Tapaktuan, the capital of South Aceh.
- Seven Villages in Aceh Jaya Awash Flood
May 11, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/05/11/225226/126/101/Tujuh-Desa-di-Aceh- Seven villages in Teunom district, Aceh Jaya, Aceh, since Tuesday (5/10), inundated. As a result, hundreds of houses of residents in the local area submerged berkisat as high as 30 cm-80 cm.
- Sea Water Intrusion Damage 300 Hectares of Palm Garden Village in Inhil A
May 12, 2011
http://www.riauterkini.com/lingkungan.php?arr=36764- Seawater intrusion in Inhil increasingly vicious. 300 hectares of coconut plantation arranging River Village, Tanah Merah damaged and could no longer bear fruit for copra. About 300 hectares of coconut plantation in arranging River Village, Tanah Merah District destroyed a result of seawater intrusion.
- WALHI: Floods Jambi Because Forest Conversion
May 15, 2011
http://nakasihnews.blogspot.com/2011/05/walhi-banjir-jambi-karena-konversi.html- According to him, before 2000, the floods are very rare and only occur in some low areas or areas that are along the river flow. However, the current flood disaster areas become increasingly widespread and annual disaster.
- 4 Citizens HilangDiterjang Flood
May 18, 2011
http://www.hariansumutpos.com/2011/05/7002/4-warga-hilangditerjang-air-bah.htm- Binjai Bingai-River (SB) precisely in Pai Beach, Cape Prince Hamlet 2, Village North Measure Namu, Langkat, overflow, on Tuesday (5/17) at around 14:30 pm. As a result, four people missing, hit by the flood.
- Floods in North Aceh
May 18, 2011
http://www.waspada.co.id/index.php?option=com_content&view=article- While in the district. Lhoksukon, which previously only inundate the flood around three villages, now extends to seven villages. However, water levels have not exceeded the average adult's knee and so far no displaced residents.
- A Number of District in Aceh Utara and Lhokseumawe Floods Hit
May 18, 2011
http://www.analisadaily.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article- Four flood-affected district in Aceh Utara each Lhoksukon, Matangkuli, Pirak Timu and Paya Bakong due to overflow of Krueng Keureutoe and Krueng Peutoe. But the flood did not last long.
- Watershed Flood Sembahe Not Caused Death Toll
May 18, 2011
http://www.antarasumut.com/berita-sumut/banjir-das-sembahe-tidak-timbulkan-korban-jiwa/- Event floods Sembahe watershed in Deli Serdang regency, North Sumatra, on Tuesday (5/17).
- Flash Flood in Madina, 4 People Missing
May 19, 2011
http://news.okezone.com/read/2011/05/19/340/458648/banjir-bandang-di-madina-4-warga-hilang- Madina-high rainfall that occurred in Mandailing Natal (Madina), North Sumatra recently, led to a village in the district of Batang Natal floods accompanied by landslides submerged. As a result of this tragedy, four village residents Sopotinjak declared missing and one suffered serious injuries.
- BMKG Already Existing Flood Warning
May 19, 2011
http://www.waspada.co.id/index.php?option=com_content&view=article- One visitor in the area of the bathhouse Babar Sari, Belawan River, District Kutalimbaru said the water rose three feet over and the visitors at that time to panic because of the overflow water.
- Bangkinang City Flooded
May 22, 2011
http://www.riauterkini.com/sosial.php?arr=36941- Heavy rain which flushed the City Bangkinang digenang menyabankan some point an adult thigh-high water.
- Hundreds Soak Overflow Deli River House in Medan
May 24, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/05/24/228200/126/101/Luapan-Sungai- About 300 homes in the Village and Village Sei Dead Aur, District Maimun Medan, Medan, North Sumatra (North Sumatra), Monday (5/23) submerged in floods caused by overflow of the Deli River following heavy rains that have occurred since Sunday (5/22) night.
- North Aceh Besieged Flash Flood
May 24, 2011
http://www.suarakarya-online.com/news.html?id=279123- A total of 24 villages in two districts in North Aceh District, Aceh Province, besieged setingi flash flood two feet, due to overflow of river Krueng Peuto following heavy rain which flushed the area. The streets are also submerged in water up to waist adults.
- Flash Flood Back Landa Agara
May 23, 2011
http://www.analisadaily.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article- After the region of Southeast Aceh Regency Semadam District some time ago, on Sunday (5/21) night at around 21:00 pm turn three villages in the district in ruins Ketambe flash flood hit.
- Floods Soak Hundreds of Houses
May 23, 2011
http://www.indosiar.com/fokus/90741/banjir-rendam-ratusan-rumah- Heavy rains that hit some areas in North Sumatra since Sunday (5/23/11) evening, causing hundreds of houses flooded up to one meter more. Regions of highest standing water is home residents along the river Deli Medan.
- Two Besieged County Flood
May 24, 2011
http://www.jpnn.com/read/2011/05/24/92969/Dua-Kabupaten-Dikepung-Banjir- Floods that hit Southeast Aceh (Aceh Tenggara) since yesterday afternoon, causing a causeway between the districts of Southeast Aceh and Gayo Lues disconnected. From the village of Badar Sub Jongar reported hundreds of Head of Family (KK) preparing to evacuate because the river water thundering Lawe Gerger very scary.
- Houses in Medan Flooded River
May 25, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/newsvideo/2011/05/25/128876/Rumah- Medan: Dozens of homes on the banks of the River Babura, Medan, North Sumatra, flood, Tuesday (5/24). Water level reaches 1 meter and forcing residents to evacuate.
- Floods in Langkat and Southeast Aceh
May 25, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/newsvideo/2011/05/24/128857/Banjir- Flooding that hit three villages in the district was allegedly due to the rampant Tambe activity of forest encroachment. While the levee flooding in the village of Lawe Mengkudu, is damaged. Though the project is funded by a levee that center has just completed.
- Babura River Overflowed, Hundreds Displaced Residents
May 25, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/newscatvideo/nusantara/2011/05/25/128888/- Medan: Hundreds of residents who are victims of river flood Babura River in Medan and Medan Selayang Baru, last night sleeping in the camp. Floods that inundated their home, until this morning had not subsided. Floods that inundated homes, as high as one to four feet had not yet subsided. Home residents who were on the banks of the River Babura forced to be left to evacuate.
- Floods Hit, Hundreds Displaced Residents
May 25, 2011
http://www.hariansumutpos.com/2011/05/7510/dihantam-banjir-ratusan-warga-mengungsi.htm- About 500 houses in Jalan Luko I, Gang Bersama, Medan Johor submerged in water as high as 50 centimeters, Babura River overflowed due at 19:00. Hundreds of residents who live on the edge of the river was forced to flee the mosque Mustaqin.
- Rivers Overflowed, Hundreds of Houses Awash
May 25, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201105/336061/sungai_meluap_ratusan_rumah_terendam- Hundreds of homes in the vicinity of the River Babura, Medan, North Sumatra, floods inundated on Wednesday (5/25). Flooding occurred after the river that divides the city of Medan was overflowing after heavy rain.
- Babura River Overflowed Soak Hundreds House
May 25, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/05/25/228672/126/101/Sungai-Babura-Meluap- Flooding forced residents to flee to higher ground because the water level in one area affected by flooding, Gang Dipanegara, Padang Moon, District of New Field, has more than 60 centimeters. Even the number of houses located on the edge of the river, its depth reaches 110 centimeters.
- North Aceh Flood, 300 Hectares of Rice Damaged
May 24, 2011
http://regional.kompas.com/read/2011/05/24/21521942/Aceh.Utara.Banjir.300- Three days, floods submerging four districts in North Aceh District, Aceh. Besides inundating homes residents, floods also damaged 300 hectares of land newly planted rice.
- Hundreds of Hectares of Paddy Crop Damaged
May 25, 2011
http://www.waspada.co.id/index.php?option=com_content&view=article- Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) North Aceh has record number of flood damage in three rural districts that occurred on Monday (5/23). In addition to the family 1824 submerged due to overflowing of river water, about 300 hectares of paddy crop was also damaged.
- The Intensity of Rain in North Sumatra Still High
May 31, 2011
http://beritasore.com/2011/05/31/intensitas-hujan-di-sumut-masih-tinggi/- Yet he appealed to traditional fishermen who use the equipment trandisional to be careful. Sea wave height is reached 1 to 2 meters and even more in areas such as waters west of Sibolga, West Aceh, Nias region even facing the Indian Ocean.
- Pemprovsu ignore flood Medan
June 1, 2011
http://www.waspada.co.id/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=197083- North Sumatra provincial government rate has no clear concept about the handling of flooding that continues to threaten the city of Medan Medan.
- Snakes and Komodo Enters Home Flood Victims
May 05, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/05/04/223516/290/101/Ular-dan-Biawak- The same is expressed Kasma ano, other citizens. In fact, for fear of being attacked venomous reptiles, he was forced to flee to the house of one of her relatives. It's been almost three months I have been displaced. In addition the two beast, ticks also attack the body's water is almost all citizens Tabumela. We even had to bathe or wash clothes from the dirty lake water.
- Floods Soak 2 Districts
May 05, 2011
http://www.ujungpandangekspres.com/view.php?id=65449- In Sub-donri Donri, a number of rice fields planted with rice had just swept away by flood waters struck, including the walls of the channel.
- Landslides in Indonesia
May 5, 2011
http://www.kabarindonesia.com/berita.php?pil=26&jd=Hujan+Deras+Putus- The main road connecting the village of Sali Sali, Mesa Kada and Suppirang near Pinrang damaged and almost completely cut off due to torrential rains that erupted in the mountainous region.
- Landslides in Indonesia
May 4, 2011
http://news.okezone.com/read/2011/05/04/340/453058/longsor-15-titik-tutup- Landslide thousand cubic meters of soil has occurred in Malili, East Luwu, South Sulawesi, on Tuesday morning. To clear the road from the landslide will take about a week. Transport route between Malili and Lasusua paralyzed. Hundreds of cars waiting in line.
- Thousand Hectares Flooded Rice in Banjar
May 06, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/newsvideo/2011/05/06/127666/Ribuan-Hektare- Thousands of hectares of rice fields and houses in six districts in the Banjar regency, Central Kalimantan, submerged in floods caused by overflowing of the River Martapura. Not only that, the flood also soak a number of facilities. Until well into the sixth day, the floods have still not subsided.
- Floods Submerge Two Villages in North Luwu
May 07, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/news/2011/05/07/50978/Banjir-Merendam- Two villages in North Luwu (Lutra), South Sulawesi, is still inundated. Water levels reached three feet in the settlement area residents on Saturday (5/07) this.
- Flood Hanyutkan 40 Houses Residents in Baebunta
May 09, 2011
http://torajacybernews.com/2011/05/banjir-hanyutkan-40-rumah-warga-di-baebunta/- Flash floods in the village of Beringin Jaya, District Baebunta, North Luwu (Lutra), South Sulawesi, 40 units of houses washed away. Cocoa plant is a mainstay of local people are now just a distant memory. One by one plant died due to cocoa's residents inundated.
- Floods Soak the 1281 Home & Rice 226 Ha
May 10, 2011
http://regional.kompas.com/read/2011/05/10/21405352/Banjir.Rendam.1.281- Floods that hit parts of East Kalimantan for three weeks immersing the 226 hectares of rice fields. Height of water continue to grow and each day has increased to 10 centimeters.
- 14 Villages in Awash Kukar
May 10, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/newsvideo/2011/05/10/127972/14-Desa- Hundreds of homes in 14 villages submerged in floods since last month due to overflow of the Mahakam River. In addition to floods submerging homes also soak Police Office Muara Kaman, Koramil, Schools, and village offices.
- Kutai Flood, Elementary School Students Pedal Boat Class Up Door
May 11, 2011
http://us.detiknews.com/read/2011/05/11/112337/1637116/10/kutai-banjir-siswa- Mahakam River flood in 3 districts in Kukar up to 3 meters occurred in 3 weeks and interfere with the implementation of UAS SD. In SDN 027 Ilir village of Muara Kaman construction of the building is made of ironwood, there are 14 student participants UAS. Floods which showed no signs of ebbing, threatening learning space which is used as venue for UAS.
- Kukar Flood
May 10, 2011
http://www.antarafoto.com/peristiwa/v1305034809/banjir-kukar- Some residents use boats to evacuate his belongings from floods That hit the village of Muara Kaman Ilir, Muara Kaman district, Kutai Kartanegara District, East Kalimantan, on Tuesday (5 / 10). The water level reaches three meters.
- 21 Villages in the Aquatic Mammal Awash Flood
May 11, 2011
http://www.klikunic.com/2011/05/21-desa-di-kutai-kartanegara-terendam.html- Thousands of homes in 3 districts, Regency, East Kalimantan submerged. Until now, a total of 3234 Head of the Family who are in the area untouched Kabutapen local government aid.
- Extensive Flooding in Kukar, Garut Flood Victims Get Help
May 11, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/newsvideo/2011/05/11/128013/Banjir-di-Kukar- The floods that hit district of Muara Kaman, Regency, East Kalimantan, extending to soak 15 villages. Flooding in the District of Muara Kaman, has expanded from 14 villages to 15 villages. As a result more than a thousand homes flooded.
- Floods in Aquatic Mammal Disturb UN
May 11, 2011
http://us.foto.detik.com/readfoto/2011/05/11/132108/1637247/157/1/- Participants UN primary school in the village of Muara Kaman SDN 027 Ilir must paddle boat to get to school.
- Floods in Muara Kaman More Rises
May 11, 2011
http://www.kutaikartanegara.com/news.php?id=3281- The boat became a mainstay of Muara Kaman residents after flooding continue to rise in this area. Flooding due to overflowing of the Mahakam river in rural areas Regency (Kukar) until now has not showed signs of ebbing. In fact, flooding continues to increase steadily in the past week.
- Floods Soak Thousands of House in Rural Kutai Kartenagera
May 12, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/05/12/225372/127/101/Banjir-Rendam-Ribuan- At least 2,303 houses in the district of Muara Kaman, aquatic mammal, Kaltim submerged in flood water. The worst flooding occurred in the Village Sedulang with water levels up to three meters.
- Floods and Landslides Landa Ambon
May 15, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/05/14/226110/290/101/Banjir-dan-Longsor- Hundreds of houses in the village of Batumerah, Kadewatan, High Land, Batugajah, Waihaong, Passo, and Lateri inundated on Saturday afternoon. While the landslide occurred at Jalan Jenderal Sudirman.
- Hundreds of Houses in Ambon Awash Flood
May 15, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201105/334373/ratusan_rumah_di_ambon_terendam_banjir- Hundreds of homes in District Sirimau, Nusaniwe and Baguala, Ambon, inundated, recently.
- There Is No Report Flood Losses
May 15, 2011
http://taliabunewsonline.blogspot.com/2011/05/belum-ada-laporan-kerugian-banjir.html- Estimated temporary because the officers can not work optimally in the field to calculate the losses due to field conditions has yet to allow officers to work. Help is needed today said he was food and medicine because most residents are still gradually in temporary shelters, because the flood of two rivers still keep flowing in spite of yesterday morning was not as strong.
- Hundreds of Houses in Ambon Awash Flood
May 15, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201105/334373/ratusan_rumah_di_ambon_terendam_banjir- Hundreds of homes in District Sirimau, Nusaniwe and Baguala, Ambon, inundated, recently.
- Sorong Flood
May 18, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201105/334945/ratusan_rumah_di_sorong_terendam_banjir- Hundreds of homes in Sorong, Papua, submerged in floods. The accident happened after the rain the region during the past week. Water levels reached as high as an adult's knee.
- Dozens of homes in Bone Awash
May 22, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/newscatvideo/nusantara/2011/05/22/128722/Puluhan- Dozens of houses in the village Panyula, Sub-Tang Tanete Riat East, submerged in water. This is caused by poor drainage in this area as well as the overflow of river silt Panyula which has undergone. This flood is troublesome residents because the water came suddenly and do not think flooding will soak them up to one meter settlement.
- Flood Damaged Dozens of Houses in Ternate, One Missing
May 24, 2011
http://www.berita8.com/read/2011/05/24/2/42834/Banjir-Rusak-Puluhan-Rumah-di-Ternate,-Satu-Hilang- Dozens of homes were damaged and one person missing from floods that hit the city of Ternate, North Maluku, (North Maluku), Tuesday (5/24/2011). Water never overflowed into housing residents during heavy rains.
- Flash Flood Dozens of Houses Damaged
May 25, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201105/336000/banjir_bandang_rusak_belasan_rumah- Flash floods damaged at least 15 houses in the village of the Redwoods, Ternate, North Maluku, on Tuesday (5/24). The swift flood of the River Maliaro also make some buildings nearly collapsed. Meanwhile, dozens of other houses submerged.
- Sorong Flood
May 26, 2011
http://www.jpnn.com/read/2011/05/26/93221/Lokalisasi-Banjir,-Transaksi-Libur- Heavy rain which flushed the City Sorong, making residents flooded, not the exception in Complex Localisation Melanu. At least, 32 barracks, inhabited 150 CSWs were inundated with knee-height adults. This time is the worst flooding.
- Rivers overflowed, Hundreds of Houses Awash
May 28, 2011
http://tips-blog-online.blogspot.com/2011/05/korban-banjir-ambon-terserang-penyakit.html- A number of displaced victims of the flood overflow Wailela River, District of Ambon Bay, now began developing the disease.
- Dozens of homes in Bone Flooded
May 28, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/newscatvideo/nusantara/2011/05/29/129140/- Floods submerging dozens of homes in Bone regency, South Sulawesi, after heavy rains flushed the area. Water levels reached the adult knee. Residents said trouble saving furniture that began under water. Because, they never thought that when the flood will come.
- Rob Soak Two Villages in Semarang
May 28, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201105/336633/rob_rendam_dua_kelurahan_di_semarang- Flood tides or rob submerging hundreds of homes in the Village and Village Kemijen Tanjung Mas, Semarang, Central Java, on Saturday (28 / 5). Worst flooding occurred in the township Tambak Rejo village, Tanjung Mas, whose position is opposite to the sea. Flooding occurred since last month with the water level reaches one meter. Almost every day, water began coming in at 10.00 am and gradually subsided after sunset.
- Floods Cause Wasior
May 29, 2011
http://www.mygeography.co.cc/2011/05/penyebab-banjir-wasior.html- Flood disasters that hit Wasior, Wondama Bay District, West Papua, estimated to reach hundreds of billions. In addition to damage government buildings, floods also devastated housing penduduk.Hingga Thursday night, the flood victims evacuated to Manokwari District Wasior and Nabire. DanaAda about 800 have been evacuated to the ship Nggapulu Nabire, while over 200 others were evacuated to Manokwari.
- Bulukumba-Sinjai Floods
May 29, 2011
http://www.makassarterkini.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article- A number of locations in Bulukumba flooded about 50 inches after heavy rains drenched the region. Puddle most severe in the national axis linking Bulukumba-Sinjai.
- Floods Threaten North Bone
May 30, 2011
http://www.ujungpandangekspres.com/index.php?option=read&newsid=66654- Recognized also by society Boccoe Ajangale and Two, that in this three-year flood in each year occur twice a year but the longest and most severe flooding occurred in 2010 where people in three districts in North Bone felt inundated nearly six months.
- Flash Flood, Vehicles Trapped Loss
May 29, 2011
http://regional.kompas.com/read/2011/05/29/14453024/Banjir.Bandang.Kendaraan.Terjebak.Macet- Heavy rains that continued to fall since the night through Sunday (5/29/2011) morning to make dozens of vehicles stuck on the causeway that connects transprovinsi Bulukumba eight districts in South Sulawesi to the south.
- Flood, SD Returned Students
June 1, 2011
http://www.fajar.co.id/read-20110531192149-banjir-murid-sd-dipulangkan- Heavy rain which flushed part of the area of Bone County last few days, make two elementary schools (SD) in the Village Bajoe, Eastern District Riattang Tanete, Bone, inundated. As a result, students are sent home. Because the classroom is under water, the process of teaching and learning in two schools can not take place. The students chose to play the water while rescuing the books and their bench is inundated.
- His Participating Flood Relief Mission
May 2, 2011
http://pastanjungmalim.blogspot.com/2011/05/ydp-turut-misi-bantuan-banjir.html- A few places in the area of Tanjong Malim had been flooded due to heavy rain which fell throughout the night. Among the flooded areas are Kg Menderang, Sungkai, Trolak Town, village and several villages around Rasau Slim and Tg Malim.
- 1900 Hectares of Rice Awash Flood
May 04, 2011
http://fadlybatulicin.blogspot.com/2011/05/1900-hektar-tanaman-padi-terendam.html- It's been two weeks, hundreds of residents who have agricultural land in 15 villages in the district of Hulu Kusan shrouded in fear. This flooding allegedly caused by coal mining activities and traditional gold panning that has caused the silting of the river Kusan, as well as the opening of plantation land in the headwaters of doing the logging rain forest trees. However, to establish with certainty it is not possible, given the still requires further research and study. However, when viewed by naked eye, then some factors that could have been said to be the cause of flooding. Especially in recent weeks never happen rain with a fairly high rainfall and moderate.
- 1,000 Homes in Several Villages and Housing Estates Flash Floods
May 17, 2011
http://mynewshub.my/bm/2011/05/17/1000-rumah-terlibat-banjir-kilat-di-kulim/- The flash floods that occurred were due to heavy rains began at 1 pm today until 3 pm caused the water of the Snake River and Kulim River and several streams overflowed Essay road like Jalan Sultanah Bahiyah to Merak Taman Serdang near to be closed temporarily.
- 30 Meters Deep Land collapse
May 27, 2011
http://www.bharian.com.my/bharian/articles/Tanahruntuhsedalam30meter/Article- In the incident about 7 pm that night, a gradient of more than 30 meters deep formed by the collapse of land in the area believed to be caused by erosion after heavy rains since last few days.
- Floods in Kelantan, Terengganu, Kedah and Perlis.
May 25, 2011
http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?hl- Floods in Kelantan, Terengganu, Kedah and Perlis: ABIM Help Launch Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia (ABIM) Caring through squad, will move the flood relief mission to the east and the north coast of peninsular Malaysia. 4 State targeted to severe flooding, Kelantan, Terengganu, Kedah and Perlis, General ABIM Bear Fight states will work closely with the Center to help move the team caring for the flood victims in the states involved.
- Bigger Landslide in the Making
May 30, 2011
http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/2011/05/30/bigger-landslide-in-the-making/- Double landslides occurred side by side in Bukit Antarabangsa, Hulu Kelang, Selangor, 10 days ago but escaped public attention for both struck on the same day as the Hulu Langat tragedy.
- Flash flood 300 Houses Lye
May 18, 2011
http://www.utusan.com.my/utusan/info.asp?y=2011&dt=0519&pub=Utusan_Malaysia- Johor Bahru - More than 1,000 residents in Taman Damai Jaya, Skudai near here panic when their house suddenly flooded up to the knees due to flash flooding that occurred. Flooding involves more than 300 houses from 18 to 24 Roads Makmor in the park occurred due to heavy rain began falling at 3.30 to 5.30 pm. Although this is not the first time such a flood occurred, this incident the worst ever experienced.
- Breaking News: Flash Floods Hit Singapore
May 4, 2011
http://theonlinecitizen.com/2011/05/breaking-news-flash-floods-hit-singapore/- A mid afternoon flood hit Bishan Street 13, left large drains along Ang Mo Kio Avenue 5 completely overwhelmed, caused flooding around Ang Mo Kio Industrial Park and flooding around Yio Chu Kang MRT. Floods were also spotted around Nanyang Polytechnic. The flash floods today come just two weeks after a downpour on 20 April caused an area around Heartland Mall in Kovan to flood. Heartland Mall is under the charge of Aljunied Town Council. Minister of the Environment and Water Resources Yacoob Ibrahim on 20 November 2009 described floods that hit Singapore as happening "once every 50 years". Since then, there have been more than a dozen floods.
- Phenomenon of Cause Mud Eruption in Ninh Thuan
May 06, 2011
http://vn.news.yahoo.com/nh- According to preliminary basis, there are two reasons for the cracking phenomenon of land, land subsidence in Di Linh: First, as the geological structure in this region soft soil, mud adjacent lands should occur sliding platform subsidence. Second, the water plant pumping groundwater Di Linh to produce clean water, the water table drops, resulting in cracked earth.
- Foot Mountain, Dozens of Households were Life-Threatening.
May 07, 2011
http://tag.tinmoi.vn/T%C3%A2y-Tr%C3%A0/page/2- The concern is the status of widespread subsidence, while plans to relocate people away from dangerous areas were the district authorities have not made the Western Tra.
- Di Linh Land Crack-No Longer is Normal
May 09, 2011
http://conganthanhhoa.vn/News/Tin-trong-nuoc/9133/#G1304910128109- The department has submitted a written report and province-level authorities on the phenomenon of cracked earth at Di Linh. The report stated: The phenomenon of soil cracking, subsidence occurred in the 5, Quarter I, the town of Di Linh, Di Linh district. Is not yet the authorities explain the cause. Meanwhile, people here continue to live in fear when cracks increasingly widespread.
- Dozens of People Fell into the River
May 09, 2011
http://dzo8.com/news/_Sat_lo_dat_ca_chuc_nguoi_roi_xuong_song-20110509102939.html- Avalanche occurred at many sales people are present and some visitors still eat and drink. At the scene, location landslide lasted about 40 m, next to the shore than 3 m deep and revealing hoam palate at the junction of the market area Rach Cam.
- Suddenly Collapsed 10 Meters of Land in Ha Tinh.
May 12, 2011
http://www.phununet.com/tin-tuc/bong-nhien-dat-sut-10m-nuoc-ung- According to initial test results determine that the land subsidence, collapse pits appeared both in the garden 7m Le Van Thuong (Thuan hamlet Tri, Vinh Huong, Huong Khe district, Ha Tinh province) may be related to the activities occurring at kast limestone foundations in the region. There are two holes in the garden land Mr. Le Van Thuong continues to appear more landslides and large cracks run around the pits and other areas. Homes, farm system collapsed almost two holes would also tilt and risk collapse at any time.
- Surrounding Land Cracking Phenomenon in Di Linh (Lam Dong)
May 12, 2011
http://www.nhandan.com.vn/cmlink/nhandandientu/thoisu/doi-song/i-s-ng-tin-chung/- The people in the area said that this phenomenon started happening about two weeks ago, the level is still growing and no signs of stopping. In particular, there are cracks across the road surface asphalt ripping at the same time, the cracks also appeared in many houses in the region are making people panic.
- Chain Horrific Day lives Next two Holes, "Death" (Part 2)
May 13, 2011
http://blogs.go.vn/viewpost.aspx?id=54415794&pid=130985- It has been over a week now, I usually have five houses and buffalo farming next to crater.
- Can Tho River Market Collapses, 2 dead, 5 injured
May 09, 2011
http://www.truyenthongconggiao.org/ViewNewsDetail.aspx?- Around 5 am this close to 9-5, the cage for the Long Hoa (Rach Cam), Long Hoa Ward, Binh Thuy, TP. Tho, were collapsed into the river, leaving two people dead, five others were seriously injured have taken to emergency.
- Cho Fell into the River to 2 Dead-The risk of Landslides Exists
May 13, 2011.
http://news.go.vn/tin/89192/Cho-sup-xuong-song-lam-2-nguoi-chet- On 5 / 13, AP Reporter back market area Rach Cam (Long Hoa Ward, Binh Thuy, Can Tho City) reported the situation after the landslide occurred as two people died on 9 / 5. The market is still sprawling, river-side, several deep cracks.
- Cracks on Nguyen Van Troi Expanding
May 14, 2011
http://daidoanket.vn/PrintPreview.aspx?ID=30075- According to reports, there are four possible causes for this phenomenon is explained by the exploitation of underground water; tectonic faults Bao Lam-Three Gorges (the internal) and the peat terrain. However, all four reasons above are just a guess, need more work, not make final conclusions. There is as yet have official conclusions about the phenomenon on the earth cracks, settling the consequences are just stop at the suggestion.
- Field House Collapse
May 20, 2011
http://www.tinmoi.vn/Mua-lon-gay-sat-lo-dat-sap-nha-dan-05525079.html- Due to the effects of prolonged heavy rain, at 7 pm on 5/18, I specified by Kon village, Vinh Quang (Kon Tum) has occurred a landslide collapsed a house. Houses were built since 2009. Landslides on the service also makes a number of adjacent apartment also cracked and in danger of falling further.
- 100 Containers Collapsed into the River
May 20, 2011
http://troixanh.com.vn/xa-hoi/xa-hoi-tin-khac/4844-sat-lo-gan-100-container-roi-xuong-song-sai-gon.optimization- According to the Vietnamese people - 5/20 At dawn, nearly 100 containers at the port of Phuoc Long IDC is located adjacent to the Saigon River (in Truong Tho Ward, Thu Duc, Ho Chi Minh City) has suddenly collapsed into a river.
- Landslide Threatened Families Relocated
May 23, 2011
http://english.vietnamnet.vn/en/society/8539/landslide-threatened-families-relocated.html- VietNamNet Bridge - HCM City authorities have begun four projects for relocating 2,200 families living in areas seriously threatened by landslides during the storm season. Two of them are in the outlying Can Gio District. Four hundred families living on river banks and along Thach An island will be moved inland. In Binh Khanh, An Thoi Dong, Ly Nhon, Tam Thon Hiep, and Long Hoa Communes, 1,400 families will be moved out of riverside, seaside, and low-lying areas and protective forests will be planted there.
- Midnight Struck three Houses Down the River
May 23, 2011
http://vnexpress.net/gl/xa-hoi/2011/05/nua-dem-ba-can-nha-do-ap-xuong-song/- Sleeping, on a dozen people hit the panic I ran out the door escape hear landslides. Three houses in a snap with all assets being dragged dive into the river Vam Birds (Ca Mau).
- Ice Factory Collapsed into the River
May 25, 2011
http://www.baomoi.com/Lo-dat-xuong-nuoc-da-do-sup-xuong-song/148/6326015.epi- In six hours of the day 25-5, landslides on the banks of the Hau River as the basis of ice production in Thai Binh Binh Khanh ward, Long Xuyen City, An Giang province collapsed into a river. At the scene, about soil erosion more than 70m long, deep into the foundation stone of about 10 meters of water plants, make up about 20 meters deep pit beneath the swirling river. Establishment owners said many equipment and machinery used in manufacturing fell to the river disappeared.
- Tens of Meters of the Road Suddenly Subsided, Serious Cracks
May 25, 2011
http://news.socbay.com/hang_chuc_met_duong_dot_nhien_lun_nut_nghiem- This morning 5/25, tens of meters of road and pavement of Yen Bai (Hai Chau District, Da Nang) are suddenly subsided and had cracks appear makes people very confused.
- Serious Land Subsidence and Cracks in Lam Dong
May 25, 2011
http://lytuongnguoiviet.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article- Cracking phenomenon of land subsidence and tilt, filling their homes in a neighborhood town of Di Linh, Di Linh district, Lam Dong has happened more than 3 weeks now. People in the affected areas are bewildered because of the cracks widening and growing deeper settlement.
- Peace Park Subsidence.
May 25, 2011
http://tin247.ipvnn.com/xa-hoi/cong-vien-hoa-binh-sut-lun-lenh-lang-nuoc-16BCF28.ipvnn- Some puddles on the road walking also became home to tadpoles.
- The Surat - Na San flood.
May 06, 2011.
http://www.krobkruakao.com/- Floods caused to people in flooded homes were seventh district that does not rain all the villagers have to accelerate the transport of water to escape quickly. Rain in the area did not fall. But with various amounts of water to flow.
- Trang Joins Push all Parties to Solve Major Flooding.
May 05, 2011.
http://manager.co.th/Local/ViewNews.aspx?NewsID=9540000055205- But to see the overall problems that come from something like a cause deforestation or not. Or how changes in climate. La New phenomena, especially big and big el New Yo. To the amount of water in the Trang River is low when the flood. This will also help reduce the severity of the water. To prevent runoff to flat land and two land. In addition, it also has some of the problems with water backing up too high.
- Pumping Speed Street Flooding in Chiang Mai.
May 07, 2011.
http://www.mcot.net/cfcustom/cache_page/205800.html- The road is never flood before.
- Phayao Declared Flood Disaster Areas.
May 10, 2011.
http://news.impaqmsn.com/articles.aspx?id=418037&ch=lc1- Phayao provincial governor said on that he declared flood disaster areas extended to the province already Because they have been notified by the sheriff of all 9 of Phayao that faced with a universal flood ways. In conjunction with all sectors to be charged quickly survey the damage after low tide to find ways to remedy the victims urgently. The damage to houses.
- Note: elevation 1000 meters. River bottoms heaving.
- "Kwan Phayao" near Water Overflow
May 11, 2011.
http://manager.co.th/Local/ViewNews.aspx?NewsID=9540000057873- However, water crisis continues in Phayao water increased continuously. And beyond the level that is acceptable to Kwan, then 25 cm.
- Different Flash Flood Many Areas Mon Spread.
May 11, 2011.
http://www.mcot.net/cfcustom/cache_page/207778.html- Like the District, Lamphun, flash flow into the River Lee and multi-Huai Mae touch Overflowing river bank to flood homes in Mae Tuen and T. Lee, more than 300 villagers to transport household goods to the water to escape to higher ground.
- Flood Crisis over Several Provinces.
May 10, 2011.
http://atnnonline.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article- Lampang flood situation today in flash floods deluge Chae Hom extend more broadly.
- Flood Situation North
May 11, 2011
http://www.baanmaha.com/community/thread40646.html- Heavy flash floods flowing Li District in the latest flood flows to the people of Hong district, more than 200 homes were flooded, including the main road Lamphun - Li. However, if the rain does not fall again, will cause the water level in the River Lee River and flash are created by the mountains. Tended to decrease continuously.
- Chiang Mai to see Heavy Rain Flooding around the City
May 17, 2011
http://www.dailynews.co.th/newstartpage/index.cfm?categoryId=420&contentID=139329&page=content- Multi-flow and flash flooding as the foot of the hill slopes. Or near the water flow at the moment.
- The Road Subsidence [Bangkok]
May 26, 2011
http://thairecent.com/Breaking/2011/870977/- Because roads fell by the pop scene as a deep hole in the road between the canal water to the Chaengwattana Road Soi unity. Yan Chuen. The larger the hole 3 meters wide and 3 meters deep in the traffic can not be traveling with ease.
- Southern Flood Situation still does not Resolve Several Floors
May 28, 2011
http://news.thaipbs.or.th/lite/content/- The water levels in flooded areas and key performance indicators and Don Sak district, the water level dropped a little wetlands, water levels remain high due to almost 2 meters is the last area to get water from Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, before flowing out to sea.
- Two Square Despair Flash Floods Deluge Overwhelmed Ground.
May 30, 2011
http://www.dailynews.co.th/newstartpage/index.cfm?page=content1- The villagers of Ban Nam Pat Moo 2, pink, A. Maprang has been affected by the flash of this home, some after more than 120 homes flooded over a meter and have to take the boat to paddle out of the vehicle home.
- Phichit Farmers Accelerated Pumping of Water from the Rice
May 29, 2011.
http://www.krobkruakao.com/search.php?type=tag- After the water that flows north from the drainage canal from Kamphaeng Phet province. And Wachirabarami District. Flooded rice fields imprisoned for over a week cause damage to rice fields more than 500 acres and damaged about 500 acres and some are expanded. Paddy fields near flooded more than 3,000 rai.
- Flash Flood
May 29, 2011.
http://soclaimon.wordpress.com/2011/05/29/- Nakhon Nayok, Prachin Buri, Chanthaburi, Trat, Ranong, Chumphon Beware flash floods. Multi-flow and flash during this period.
- Flash Flood Flow A. Chum Phuang Nakhon Ratchasima
May 26, 2011.
http://www.krobkruakao.com/- Flood level, about 50 cm high average agricultural land, mainly sugar cane and tapioca Eucalyptus Lip Darling Harbor. Flood damaged more than 5,000 rai of Chum Phuang last sent out officials to distribute food and drinking water to people who have siblings suffered.
- Flood Victims Need Help Banjar
May 05, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201105/332847/korban_banjir_banjar_membutuhkan_bantuan- The rain that continued to flock flushed Meratus mountains make flooding worse in South Kalimantan. Thousands of head of displaced families in Banjar district in poor condition due to delayed aid. Residents who live in makeshift camps also begin developing the disease. Watchlist SCTV, Thursday (5 / 05) afternoon, flooding had grown so high that most residents roofs look no further. Of the 13 districts in South Kalimantan, has nine flood affected include Upper Middle River, Upper North River, Upper South River, Tapin, Balangan, and Tanah Laut. The most severe is the Banjar area. In addition to disrupt the activities of citizens, flooding since last Tuesday also crippled public services sector. As in Mapolsek Mataraman, Martapura. Flood-foot police activity has ceased to serve the community. Some crimes evidence was moved sedangakn prisoners entrusted to the nearest Polsek.
- Extensive Flooding in Banjar District
May 05, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/05/04/223296/127/101/Banjir-di-Kabupaten-Banjar-Meluas- The floods that hit four districts in Banjar, South Kalimantan extends to a number of other districts that are in the river downstream cascade Kiwa, submissions due to overflowing water from the river upstream.
- Awash Flood Police Station One Meter
May 05, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201105/332838/kantor_polisi_terendam_banjir_satu_meter- The great flood that hit the Banjar regency, South Kalimantan, resulted in a number of public service offices disrupted. Among those affected by flooding is Matraman Sector Police Office. SCTV monitoring, all contents furniture and equipment that police work is in it flooded drift as high as one meter. However, all case files handled by investigators could be secured, including a number of prisoners were evacuated to other Polsek. Although submerged, it does not mean the activity stops. It's just that the activities in the Office of Police Matraman not run optimally since three days. Officers serve the public in a patrol car parked at the curb.
- Seven Districts in South Awash
May 05, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201105/332797/tujuh_kabupaten_di_kalsel_terendam- The floods that hit the South Kalimantan until now no sign of receding. Noted already more than 800 households or more than 3,400people in three districts in the Banjar District was forced to flee to places such as schools, places of worship, to camping in the jungle rubber. The refugees complained about the lack of assistance they receive. In addition, tens of kilometers of roads and villages inundated, thus making the citizens of many who use the services of a bamboo raft to penetrate the road.
- Dozens of Villages in Kutai Awash Flood
May 06, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/metromain/news/2011/05/05/50804/Belasan-Desa- Flooding with water levels reaching two meters in some villages has been going on since two weeks ago. Flooding has been going on since two weeks and so far the water level continues to grow.
- Dozens of Schools in Flood Awash
May 06, 2011
http://berita.liputan6.com/daerah/201105/332955/puluhan_sekolah_di_banjar_terendam- To this day flood in the area had not yet receded. In fact, the water debit in the settlement residents do not show significant change.
- Floods in Banjar began to Recede
May 08, 2011
http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/newsvideo/2011/05/08/127780/Banjir-di-Banjar-Mulai-Surut- Until the sixth day, thousands of homes of residents in six districts in Banjar, South Kalimantan, are still under water.
- KK 5473 Can not Help Flood Victims
May 08, 2011
http://regional.kompas.com/read/2011/05/08/0750521/5.473.KK.Korban- Thousands of heads of families of victims of flooding in the East Kutai Regency, East Kalimantan, which occurred late April 2011, till now not received any assistance from the district government and other parties. Based on the data and the statements of the district and residents, Sunday, there are 5473 head family (families) in four districts have not received assistance.
- Kutai Flood Victims Food Difficulties
May 08, 2011
http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2011/05/07/224279/127/101/Korban- Floods that swept the village of Muara Kaman Ilir said he has reached two meters. Floods that hit the village of Muara Kaman Ilir since two weeks ago. Most homes are submerged. Flooding has already hit two weeks and now residents began having difficulty in obtaining food.
- Residents Want Written Agreement
May 19, 2011
http://www.sapos.co.id/index.php/berita/detail/Rubrik/17/18773- In addition to roads, Juwanto also complained about drainage problems. Although the project has been completed, no positive impact on the reduction in flooding in the region. Even more severe flooding. The flood was still severe. Though the drainage project is complete.
- Sea Water Overflow More Severe [Balikpapan]
May 28, 2011
http://www.metrobalikpapan.co.id/index.php?mib=berita.detail&id=56059- Until now there has been no real action to address the surge of sea water. Environment Agency stepped in to investigate what caused the sea water spilled into the streets.
- Beware, Still Extreme Weather
June 1, 2011
http://www.metrobalikpapan.co.id/index.php?mib=berita.detail&id=56236- Although for 3 days is not extreme weather conditions before, but still Puguh remind people to always be vigilant, especially those living in disaster-prone areas and flood prone. Because of weather changes that occurred could have resulted in flooding and landslides.
- Gang Beler Flood Subscriptions
June 1, 2011
http://www.metrobalikpapan.co.id/index.php?mib=berita.detail&id=56247- Residents who live in the district municipality Beler alley Peace must always accept the fate hit by flooding every time heavy rain falls, how not just 2 hours of heavy rain fell in the city of Balikpapan region already hit by flooding, so people were forced to evacuate many of their vehicles. If at the same time the sea water was high tide so the water coming from upstream rivers into the sea and is hampered resulting in Beler alley flooding in the region.
- Flooding in Hong Kong
May 23, 2011
http://www.chinanews.com/ga/2011/05-23/3059236.shtml- Since the thunderstorm warning was issued early yesterday, more than 50 millimeters of rainfall were recorded over most of Hong Kong with some areas in the New Territories, especially Tai Po, Sai Kung and Yuen Long, experiencing more than 150mm. The Fire Services Department got reports of 19 cases of flooding. In Tai Po, the flooding was knee deep as a river channel overflowed near construction work.
- Families Evacuated as Floods hit Negros Occ.
May 4, 2011
http://www.gmanews.tv/story/219557/regions/families-evacuated-as-floods-hit-negros-occ- Floods reaching up to waist level hit some parts of Negros Occidental province in Western Visayas, prompting the evacuation of several families there. The Office of the Civil Defense (OCD) for Western Visayas said Wednesday the affected areas included Victorias City and E.B. Magalona town. A report on dzBB radio quoted initial information reaching OCD-6 head Rose Cabrera indicating floods in one village in E.B. Magalona had reached waist-high level.
- Davao City Flood
May 7, 2011
http://www.mb.com.ph/articles/316818/floods-davao- Most areas in this city are now flooded due to continuous rains experienced since early Wednesday morning. Water level in Barangays Panacan, Sasa and Buhangin in the northern part of the city and in Bangkal and Matina in southern area are now almost three feet deep. These areas are now non-passable for light vehicles.
- Flooding in Davao, Visayas, Mindanao and Negros
May 5, 2011
http://www.abs-cbnnews.com/nation/regions/05/05/11/climate-change-blamed-summer-floods- Families living in barangays in Davao and Negros Occidental had to be evacuated due to the floods.
- Thousands of Homes Flooded in 2 Negros Towns
May 7,2011
http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/breakingnews/regions/view/20110504-334635/- At least 4,196 families were affected on Wednesday by floods triggered by incessant rains and high tide in E. B. Magallona town and Victorias City in Negros Occidental. At least 3,105 families or 18,630 individuals were affected by floods in seven barangay (villages) in E.B. Magallona town. The floods also affected 1,091 families in two of the five villages in Victorias City.
- Negros Occidental Flood Affects 3,000 Families
May 7, 2011
http://www.abs-cbnnews.com/nation/regions/05/04/11/negros-occidental-flood- Flashfloods caused by heavy rains have affected more than 3,000 families in Negros Occidental province.
- 1 Dead, 626 Families Evacuated in Eastern Visayas
May 7, 2011
http://www.gmanews.tv/story/219968/nation/ndrrmc-1-dead-626-families- At least one person drowned while more than 626 families were evacuated in Eastern Visayas due to rains and floods brought by tropical storm "Bebeng" (Aure). The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council also said some 1,207 people were stranded in Bicol as ports suspended operations. In Albay, at least 13,392 households or 63,964 people in 152 villages in coastal areas; families living in houses made of light materials were evacuated. Also evacuated were 7,546 families or 34,533 people in 69 villages living near the lahar zone of Legazpi City, Daraga, Camalig, Sto. Domingo and Guinobatan.
- Three Dead as Storm Slams into Philippines
May 8, 2011
http://news.malaysia.msn.com/regional/article.aspx?cp-documentid=4826857- In Manila, nine ground staff were injured when lightning struck a plane on the tarmac during a heavy downpour
- Landslide hits Village in Cebu
May 10, 2011
http://www.sunstar.com.ph/cebu/local-news/2011/05/10/landslide-hits-village-cebu-154558- At least four hectares of farmland in Barangay Bairan, City of Naga collapsed, changing the landscape of this upland village.
- New Landslide in Mining Town; 1 Dead
May 22, 2011
http://www.bworldonline.com/content.php?section=Nation- The recent landslide was the third of such calamities in Barangay Kematu in less than two months. Another landslide caused by heavy rains struck a risky mining town in Central Mindanao.
- Landslide in South Cotabato
May 22, 2011
http://www.mb.com.ph/articles/319378/landslide-victims-laud-responding-policemen- Dozens of residents at Sitio Ipil-Ipilan in Barangay Kematu in this town that were adversely affected by landslide caused by a heavy downpour on May 19. Residents in Region 12, especially those living near rivers, creeks, coasts, and other landslide, flash flood-prone areas to be cautious and ready for eventualities.
- Floods hit Several CDO Villages
May 24, 2011
http://www.abs-cbnnews.com/nation/regions/05/24/11/floods-hit-several-cdo-villages- Barangay Isla Delta, Kala-kala and Isla de Oro were swamped with flood water. Barangay 15 in Cagayan de Oro was also submerged in waist-deep water, forcing several families to evacuate their homes and take camp at the Barangay Hall.
- Flash Floods Displace Residents in 6 Bukidnon Villages
May 26, 2011
http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/9432/flashfloods-hit- The Valderrama Bridge, connecting Cabulohan and Imbatug was under water. The Cabanglasan town proper has remained isolated from Malaybalay City as of press time because vehicles could not get through Summit Pass.
- Note: cyclone Songda has passed by to the north and headed for Japan, but Philippines only selectively flooded in sinking zones.
- 8,000 Families in Maguindanao Evacuated due to Floods
May 26, 2011
http://www.philstar.com/nation/article.aspx?publicationSubCategoryId=200&articleId=690371- Cotabato City - Flashfloods brought about by torrential rains forced the evacuation of some 8,000 families from at least 10 villages in Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao. Severely affected villages were Katuli, Salimbao and Bulalo, which remained submerged under knee-deep waters for the past three days.
- Flash Floods hit Affected Provinces
May 26, 2011
http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/9432/flashfloods-hit- Flashfloods were reported in provinces affected by Typhoon "Chedeng" (international codename: Songda) as it gained strength and picked up speed moving towards northeast Luzon
- Philippines: 20,000 Families Affected by Flooding in Lanao, Maguindanao
May 28, 2011
http://www.philstar.com/Article.aspx?articleId=690720&publicationSubCategoryId=200- Some 20,000 families have been affected by flooding due to continuous strong rains in the southern Philippines, a senior government official said. National Disaster Risk and Reduction Management Council executive director Benito Ramos said that flooding took place in 29 villages in the provinces of Maguindanao and Lanao del Sur. He added that flood waters remain waist-deep at some point in most of the affected villages in Sultan Kudarat town in Maguindanao
- Miner Dies, two Survive Landslide in Benguet
May 28, 2011
http://www.pia.gov.ph/?m=1&t=1&id=35086- The Mines and Geosciences Bureau reported that the cave-in occurred near the Manganese Elementary School in Sitio Liwliw in Tuba, Benguet near the Philex Mining Corporation mine site. Before the typhoon Chedeng, the MGB and the provincial government ordered small scale miners to stop operations to avert accidents and other untoward incidents such as this.
- Floods Affect 23k Families in Mindanao
May 28, 2011
http://m.gmanews.tv/story/221925/regions/ndrrmc-floods-affect-23k- More than 23,000 families were affected as floods caused by continuous rains hit Maguindanao, Lanao del Sur, and Davao del Norte over the weekend. Floodwaters remain waist-deep at most of the affected villages in Sultan Kudarat town in Maguindanao.
- Flood hits Sultan Kudarat town
May 27, 2011
http://www.mindanews.com/2011/05/28/flood-hits-sultan-kudarat-town-mayor-- Some 8,000 residents of 10 barangays in Sultan Kudarat town in Maguindanao have been affected by floods spawned by rains brought by the inter-tropical convergence zone. Military trucks were seen helping commuters who tried to go across Cotabato City and the northern part of Maguindanao.
- Maguindanao are Still Swamped with Floodwaters
May 30, 2011
http://www.malaya.com.ph/may30/news2.html- Chedeng left three people dead and affected nearly 400,000 people in six regions but most of the affected were from the Bicol region, according to the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council. The five other affected regions were Metro Manila, the Zamboanga Peninsula, Northern Mindanao, Davao, and the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao.
- Sultan Kudarat Still Swamped
http://www.sunstar.com.ph/davao/local-news/2011/05/30/armm-floods-blamed- Thousands of families in Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao are still swamped with floodwaters. At least 8,754 families have been affected by flooding brought by incessant rains in Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao. While floodwaters also remain waist-deep at some point in most of the affected barangays in Sultan Kudarat.
- 26 families Evacuated in Naga Landslide
May 30, 2011
http://cebudailynews.wordpress.com/2011/05/30/26-families-evacuated-in-naga-landslide/- At least 26 families in an upland barangay in Naga City south of Cebu were evacuated from their homes when boulders and lose soil started sliding down the hill.
- Landslide Warning Hoisted Maguindanao
May 30, 2011
http://www.journal.com.ph/index.php/news/provincial/6347-landslide-warning-hoisted- Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Mines and Geosciences Bureau warned of the possibility of landslide in Barangay Danlag, Tampakan, South Cotabato and ordered at least 100 families living in the area to vacate the place. Earlier, at least 10,000 families from 10 municipalities in Maguindanao were forced to evacuate following massive flashfloods.
- Naga Heavy Rains
May 30, 2011
http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/10822/baby-survives-naga-landslide- Heavy rains in the area triggered the landslide.
- 30 families Evacuated due to Taguig Floods
May 25, 2011
http://www.abs-cbnnews.com/nation/metro-manila/05/25/11/30-families-evacuated-due-taguig-floods- Heavy rains in Metro Manila Tuesday night caused floods that swamped Laura Drive, Barangay Bagumbayan in Taguig City. Houses in the barangay were submerged in flood water, forcing some 30 families to evacuate their homes.
- Rain Caused by the Southwest Monsoon Flooded Parts of Metro Manila
May 28, 2011
http://www.pia.gov.ph/?m=1&t=1&id=35086- Rain caused by the southwest monsoon flooded parts of metro Manila. Lascano and Tugatog Streets and Letre Road area in Malabon City are not passable to light vehicles after it recorded knee-deep level or 19 inches of floodwater. A team of 30 personnel are on call and on standby to manage flood and traffic in the affected areas.