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We have spoken previously of the areas to be affected by the bending of the tongue holding Indonesia, but can now give more specifics. Draw a line from the city
of Hangzhou directly east, and consider this horizontal line the point of bend. This does not mean that points north can rest easy, as when the tongue bends down
water from various sides will rush in to fill the void, and these waters will have a rebound in the form of tsunami which can race northward at a height of 20-30 feet.
The southern coast of China was likewise warned that they could experience loss of elevation. How much will their coastline drop, that they needed this warning
from the Hangzhou UFO? This coastline, in general, can anticipate losing 20 feet in elevation, which will likewise afflict Taiwan though Taiwan is high land and will
not be as devastated.
Thought the tipping of the Philippine Plate at first gives the islands of the Philippines some relief, as the subduction of the plate is pushing under them, as the bending
of the tongue holding Indonesia progresses, they too find an astonishing loss of sea level. However, other than some small islands and the direct coastline, little of
the Philippines will be affected by this rise in sea level, and safety can be gained if the coastal residents head for the hills at the first sign of sinking. Tsunami will
affect the Philippines, to a potential height of 40 feet, so a prompt evacuation to be at least 20 miles inland is necessary. If the coast of southern China will lose 20
feet in elevation, the Philippines will ultimately lose twice that much, to a total loss of 40 feet in elevation. Due to the tilting of the Indo-Australia Plate, Bangladesh
gains temporary relief from the steady sinking it has experienced the past few years. And the tsunami likely to race northward will not come their way because the
waters from the Bay of Bengal will be rushing into the South China Sea, and there clashing to push north. If the loss of 40 feet in elevation is not devastating to the
Philippines, it is to the coastline of southern Burma, Tailand, and Cambodia, which have vast areas that will suddenly and permanently be flooded.
It is the southern tip of the tongue which is utterly devastated. Draw a line just north of the Malaysia border and over the top of Borneo. The land on the tongue
from this point south will double its elevation loss, so that Java and the islands bordering the Banda Sea will find they have lost a full 80 feet in elevation, sinking
many coastal cities and small islands out of sight. Singapore will be awash, its streets hopelessly inundated. Vast areas of the northern coastline of Sumatra and the
southern coastline of Borneo will likewise be inundated. And if having the sea rush in were not horrific enough, the sudden drop in elevation will bring with it water
from the Indian Ocean and the Philippine Sea which will create turmoil, unpredictable waves that clash and boil. There is no predictor indicating that the bend and
drop are about to happen that we could point to. There are, as we mentioned there would be, indicators of the direction that the plates are being pushed, as
Jakarta has been sinking, Pakistan sinking, and the Coral Sea floor rising. We are telling you your coastlines are not safe, and the rest is up to you!
ZetaTalk October 16, 2010
Though the Indo-Australian Plate is sometimes referred to as two separate plates, this plate operates as one and will continue to do so. Where Indonesia at the southern edge will lose approximately 80 feet in elevation, the curve of the Indo-Australian Plate nestling this southern edge of the tongue will not gain that much in elevation. Bangladesh will find some of its recently submerged islands suddenly reappearing, and the tides will not roll inland as far as formerly. Overall, perhaps a 15 foot gain in elevation, though this is short term as the continent of India will continue to submerge as time marches on toward the pole shift. What occurs in the pushing down of the tongue holding Indonesia is a drama occurring under the water, in the main. One can see from elevation or relief maps that the submerged land to the south of Sumatra and Java are not under deep, but under relatively shallow water. We have described Sumatra and Java as land formed by the scraping of the tongue holding Indonesia, and pushed back along the tongue holding Indonesia by the edge of the Indo-Australian Plate. This will again occur, but as the tongue overall is pushed down, the scrapings will not produce new mountain ranges above the waves but only jumble under the waves. The western edge of India, where the Indus River region in Pakistan is sinking, will likewise not experience that much loss of elevation, commensurate with the eastern edge of India, perhaps a 10 foot drop. What is occurring in India is not where the 7 of 10 action will be focused, at least not in the public eye.
Tsunami and eventual sea level loss are not the same thing, although we have predicted a potential tsunami for the Philippines of 40 feet, and this is our estimate for
their eventual elevation loss also. The Mentawai Islands and the leading edge of Sumatra and Java will not experience tsunami, though the water rushing inland may
clash and boil. If you place a plate in a bathtub, and push it gently down, water will come from all directions onto the plate, but a tsunami wave is not generated.
We have stated that a tsunami during the sinking of Indonesia will race north. There will be a clash of this water pouring in from the Bay of Bengal into the South
China Sea, which will go in the direction of least resistance. Since the water is coming from the Bay of Bengal, pouring over the lowering plate, it will not push back
against this flow. Water from the Pacific will have poured into the South China Sea as it is lowered.
Where is the clash point? Push that plate in the bathtub again, this time tilting one side. The bathwater pours in strongly into the down side, and when water from the
other sides pours in, there is a clash and boil in the center, a rebound toward the upside of the plate which has less elevation loss. This is the South China Sea which
will have water coming in primarily from the Pacific, which is not blocked by island chains as is the Bay of Bengal. This water will pull in between the Philippines
and Borneo, through the Philippines, and clash with water coming from other directions. In such a case, there is a rebound, toward the north, thus a tsunami toward
the China coast. Where we have estimated an eventual elevation loss for the south China coast of 20 feet, their tsunami, which could occur repeatedly during the
time required for the sinking of Indonesia to complete, could be as high as 35 feet.
ZetaTalk December 18, 2010
The 7 of 10 will unfold but not as expected by many. It will not be a dramatic announcement on the news, as the establishment is ready for this, due to the extensive discussions. This is why Mary the psychic stated that after the first of the year Nancy would be held in greater regard and given credit. As we stated, there would be large quakes when Indonesia sinks but not the major quakes one would expect, not magnitude 8-9. Already there are many periods when quakes line the plate borders, and hammer there. During one such episode, the elevation will start to drop. We have never stated, in our predictions, how fast this would go, just said "suddenly". The start will be sudden, almost without warning, but the progress not swift as in the pole shift hour. It will be a steady sinking, in short bursts, over a 2-3 week period. S America will be right behind Indonesia in this regard, starting its roll. This will start slowly at first, the trend already noted, but the quakes starting to pick up as Indonesia sinks. Thus it will not be before the early part of 2011 before the full impact of the prediction accuracy is noted by the world. Meanwhile, the establishment will try to cover with lots of talk about storm surge, Global Warming, and high tides.
ZetaTalk December 18, 2010
We did predict, in our 7 of 10 predictions for the sinking of the plate tongue holding Indonesia, that tsunami would rush against the Philippine Islands and the
southern coastline of China. This was predicated on the assumption that sinking would start and continue unabated, completing in 2-3 weeks. In that scenario, a
void would be created in the South China Sea, pulling water in from the Bay of Bengal as Sumatra and Thailand and Malaysia sank. This would clash with water
pouring in from the Pacific, and rebound northward. These waters would not rebound to the south, as water would also be pouring in from the direction of
Australia, around the sinking island of Java.
We predicted the possibility of a 40 foot tsunami in the Philippines, which in any case was estimated by us to lose 40 feet in elevation. The southern coastline of
China, and Hong Kong, are estimated to lose 20 feet in elevation, and presumably could expect a 20 foot tsunami. It would be less than that, as the surge would
lose momentum and height as it moved north. What is the situation now that plate undulation has slowed the sinking pace? Such tsunami could still occur, as our
prediction has been and still is that the sinking will increased in severity and speed as it progresses. The tsunami activity would presumably be less, given that plate
undulation now regularly interrupts the process. Given the variety of factors now in play, we declined to be precise in our predictions on tsunami size for the
Philippines and the coast of China. Suffice it to say that it will not be greater than our original predictions.
ZetaTalk March 19, 2011
See India 7 of 10 Tilt commentary.