Foundation | 24 inches deep consisting of three layers of criss-crossed pressure
treated 8 x 8's. Alternative: 12 to 18 inches of very heavily
reinforced concrete. The re-enforcement would need an internal
fully pre constructed triangular steel structure, which has concrete
poured around it. |
Ballast | Since the foundation is fairly light(if the wood foundation is used), it
will be necessary to have ballast to prevent blow over in wind and
to limit the bounce that could be caused by a 9 Richter scale quake.
A reinforced 4 inch slab in the interior of the house would work and
would also hold in heat. |
Interior Walls
and Fooring | A conventional stick house would be used using 2 x 6's instead of 2
x 4's. Plywood of 5/8 to 3/4 would be glued and screwed interior
and exterior. Wiring for 12 volt DC would be used, as this will be
the easiest to provide in the after conditions. A design concern will
be to work at a way to have the superstructure be able to slide
slightly on the houseboat platform to provide structural flexibility in
an earthquake. |
Exterior Walls | Exterior Walls would be finished with 28 gauge Corrugated Steel. |
Roofing | The structure would be the same as the walls and flooring, with
screwed and glued plywood inside and out. A shed roof with a 4 ft
slope would be used. The steel would go over steel piping which
would provide an air space for possible red hot gravel lying on the
roof structure. This area need additional design considerations. This
structure would allow one floor, but with space above the floor for
bunk beds and possible storage. |
Overhangs | Overhangs are necessary for good looks and for rain protection.
These would be provided, but as a knock off, or for easy removal at
the time of the events. Overhangs that cannot be taken off would be
ripped off by winds, which could also rip the roof off. |
Out Building | Storage of equipment on site before hand, and during the cataclysm
securely is necessary. Corrugated steel pipe used for road
construction would be put into the ground, with sealed ends these
pipes could safely sore equipment building supplies for the after
time. |
Sanitation | A composting Toilet would be used. However material would be
provided for building a privy. |
Water | An internal manual pump would be part of the house connected to
flexible tubing to go into the ground. Purification would be part of a
different information set. |
Energy | Heat A steel coal/wood stove would be part of the design with pipe
to be put up later. Electricity: Steam engine, bike engine, windmill. |