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icon Books on Disaster Preparedness

American Survival Guide
This informative magazine that covers blacksmithing; making your own disaster shelter (May 95); rigging emergency antennas (May 96); primitive fishing techniques, building your own straw bale home, and lightning: avoiding/surviving the strike (April 97); non lethal self-defense options, security with Shiloh Shepherds, improvised rappelling, and curing headaches: try G-Jo Accupressure (May 97); land navigation, rice: feeding the world, best available gas masks, and dangerous American snakes (July 97); basic three survival tools, and dome homes (Aug. 97); indigestion first aid, Amazon jungle survival (Sept. 97); aquatic wild edibles, search and rescue guard dogs (Oct. 97). The magazine sells for $3.95 U.S. & $4.95 in Canada. It is insightful and informative and covers a broad range of topics some including weapons, first-aid shelters Survival over all.
An excellent booklet on earthquake preparedness. Write for a copy to. Newcastle City Council, P.O. Box 489, Newcastle, N.S.W.2300, Australia.
Elementary Seismology
Published by W.H. Freeman, New York City, 1958, by Charles Richter. Covers earthquake dynamics, animal and weather relationship. Published before the theory of plate tectonics.
Emergency Planning for Family, Home, Workplace and School
By Fryar Calhoun . Cost is $2.95 32 pages, 8.5 x 11, ISBN 0-9625335-1-3. Much of what is written applies not only to earthquakes, but afterwards. Describes what to do when you're at home after a major incident. Addresses the basic issues of sanitation, water, food, etc. Recommended by [email protected] (Richard A. De Castro), on misc.survivalism.
To find out more about disasters and steps you can take to prepare, FEMA has information on natural disasters, technological disasters, earthquake preparedness, fires, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes and winter storms.
Making the Best of the Basics
By James Talmage Stevens. A family preparedness handbook.  
No Such Thing As Doomsday
By Phillip Hoag, includes in-depth coverage of underground shelter options, long-term food storage, remote power systems, air filtration, and psychological and medical considerations. Based on the author's personal experience in building and operating a large group shelter.
Peace of Mind in Earthquake Country
By Peter Yanev. Detailed descriptions with drawing of what happens during earthquakes, and how to brace for them. For a California audience but applicable everywhere. ISBN O-87701-216-4. Chronical Books, 275 Fifth Street, San Francisco, CA 94103.
Perils of a Restless Planet
By Ernest Zebrowski, published by Cambridge University Press, $24.95. Draws upon actual events from ancient to present times. Focusing on basic scientific inquiry, technological innovation, and public policy about natural events.
SAS Survival Handbook
By John Wiseman, which includes information on how to operate after such disasters as earthquakes and nuclear attacks. Collins Publishers San Francisco, 1160 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111, (415) 788- 4111.
Survival: A Manual That Could Save Your Life
By Chris & Gretchin Janowsky (Paladin Press). This book is geared toward long-term survival in typical North American environments. Chris runs the World Survival Institute in Tok, Alaska and is a regular contributor to the American Survival Guide. The WSI can be reached at (907) 883-4243 or by writing to Box 394C, Tok, Alaska, 99780. He also produces videotapes, including a set of 5 combat martial arts tapes, and 5 emergency response tapes.

