Books on Wilderness Living
- B&A Products
- A catalog of survival kits. P.O. Box 11249, Carrollton, TX 75011-11249, (214) 418-9771.
- Backpacker, Wilderness 911
- By EricA Weiss, M.D. ISBN #0-89886-597-2 A step-by-step guide for medical emergencies and improvised care in the back country.
- Basic Bows
- By A.S. Clarke, a 2-part article published in the July/August and September/October 1986 issues of the Australian archery magazine Archery Action.
- [The] Book of the Longbow
- By R. Elmer and C.A. Smart, published by Doubleday
- [The] Book of Outdoor Lore
- By Clyde Ormond. A great book full of survival skills, equipment needed (nothing high-tech: this book is from the 1950's), edible plants and animals and
how to gather/hunt/prepare them, etc. Even includes making and using primitive weapons (e.g., a hunting sling). Recommended by [email protected]
(Richard A. De Castro), on misc.survivalism.
- Building Robin Hood's Longbow
- By Jelen Maciek, a 2-part article fromthe US magazine Traditional Archery, 1985.
- Bushcraft
- By R. Graves. Written by a trainer of the Australian SAS, survival manual Australian style, with a superb array of improvised traps and snares, including fish
traps. Limited amount of plant information, and that mainly useful to Australians, but some universally applicable good things to know, like identifying cyanide
and oxalates by flavor. Recommended by [email protected] (Richard A. De Castro), on misc.survivalism.
- Camping and Woodcraft
- By Horace Kephart (1917). Reprinted in 1988 by the University of Tenessee Press. This book contains over 800 pages of outdoor skills, from different
types of fires for different purposes to diet and cooking to how to build temporary and permanent shelters and furniture. The hardcover costs $29.00. While
outdoor technology has improved in the past 75 years, most of the skills the author teaches have not changed in 1000 years.
- [The] Complete Outdoorsman's Guide to Edible Wild Plants
- By James A. Duke. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1977.
- [The] Essential Wild Food Survival Guide
- By Linda Runyon. Introduction to living off the land. Field guide to plants including descriptions, uses, nutritional analysis, collection and storage. Recipes.
How to cultivate them in a home garden. 707-459-6410 Fax: 707-459-1925 http://www.bountifulgardens.org 323 pages. $20.00
- Gods Free Harvest
- By Ken Larson. An amazing guide for anyone who appreciates and enjoys nature. It will teach you how to garden with wild foods, learn to pick trailside.
Wild foods are free and nutritious. 239 pages. $13.00
- Handbok Overlevnad
- By Armen. 1988. 228 pages. Well illustrated, pedagogic. Swedish military survival handbook. Rather low initial level required. Particularly strong on plants.
Well researched. Recommended by [email protected] (Richard A. De Castro), on misc.survivalism.
- Handbook of Edible Weeds
- By Thomas S. Elias and Peter A. Elias. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1992.
- How to Stay Alive in the Woods
- By Bradford Angier, 1956. Among other things, discusses insect swams and how to deal with them. Considered an excellent book by the experts.
- Longbow - A social and military history
- By Robert Hardy
- Naked into the Wilderness, Primitive Wilderness Living & Survival Skills
- By John and Geri McPherson. ISBN #0-89745-997-0 Exactly what the title implies - into the wilderness with nothing and living well and good.
- Naked into the Wilderness, Primitive Wilderness Skills, Applied & Advanced
- By John and Geri McPherson. ISBN #0-89745-984-9 Exactly what the title implies - into the wilderness with nothing and living well and good. Building on
the lessons taught in book 1 in the series.
- Native American Bows
- By T.M. Hamilton, edited by Nancy Bagby, published by George Shumway, York, Pennsylvania, 1972.
- Official Pocket Edible Plant Survival Manual
- By Robert W. Pelton. Did you know, for example, that the inner bark of sometrees can be eaten raw, cooked, or pounded into flour, or that the sap of
many trees other than Maple can be made into delicious syrup? All of this and much more is included in this unique book. 275 pages. $12.00
- Primitive Wilderness Living and Survival Skills
- By John and Geri McPherson. Covers friction fire, shelters, trapping, hide tanning, primitive tools, containers, food preparation, sinew backed bow and
arrow and lots more - an excellent how-to book. Prairie Wolf, PO Box 96, Randolph, KA 66554. The book tells you how to live, not just how to survive.
Recommended by [email protected] (Richard A. De Castro), on misc.survivalism.
- Sling Braiding of the Andes
- By Adele Cahlander, ISBN: 0-937452-03-3, softbound, 96 pages, profusely illustrated, purchase at: Unicorn Books and Crafts, 1338 Ross St.,
Petaluma,Ca. 94954 - 6502. (707) 762-3362 or (800) 289 9276. $12.95 each and $4.00 for shipping and $.60 for each additional copy.
- Survival
- By Xavier Maniguet.
- Survival: A Manual That Could Save Your Life
- By Chris & Gretchin Janowsky (Paladin Press). This book is geared toward long- term survival in typical North American environments. Chris runs the
World Survival Institute in Tok, Alaska and is a regular contributor to the American Survival Guide. The WSI can be reached at (907) 883-4243 or by
writing to Box 394C, Tok, Alaska, 99780. He also produces videotapes, including a set of 4 wilderness survival tapes.
- Tracking, a Blueprint for learning how
- By Jack Kearney. How to follow people's and animals tracks, and by exclusion, how to avoid being tracked. Recommended by [email protected]
(Richard A. De Castro), on misc.survivalism.
- [The] Traditional Bowyers Bible
- Bois d'Arc Press, P.O.Box 233, Azle, Texas 76098 tel.: (817)237-0829. about $25-$29 each
- Wilderness Living & Survival Skills
- By John & Geri McPherson. For surviving by starting with nothing.
- Wildwood Wisdom
- By E. Jaeger, 1947. Among other issues, discusses insect swarms and how to deal with them. Many recipes for insect repellent using natural or attainable