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I believe raising of frogs for food to be somewhat practical after the pole shift. Eating frogs may be more palatable for many than bugs. Depending on where one is located on the planet after the pole shift, with all the rain, frogs may even be plentiful. Lots of bugs, water and relatively easy to catch them. Even if not plentiful one could introduce them to the region after the pole shift. They might even be used to indicate when the toxins in the water one is using are too high. Like the parakeets taken into the mines to indicate the presence of methane gas.
Offered by Mike.
In Asia, the frog meat is considered a delicacy, and personally, I prefer frog meat to
chicken meat. In Asia, we didn't have to raise them, there were plenty of them in the rural
area or in the wet rice field. Up here in Canada, a friend of mine built a fairly large
outdoor fish pond complete with water plants to make his pond as natural as he could. He
caught a bull frog in the wild and put the frog in the pond, and after the second winter has
passed the bull frog has still survived. Somehow, during the winter, the bull frog
One catches them at night with a flash light. Just shine the light into the frogs face and
catch them by hand. Frog skin is very toxic. There was a case here in Canada, which
happened recently. A youngster caught a toad and licked the toad's skin and this youngster
was in a coma for several days. One will never find any bacteria on a frog skin. To
prepare frogs, one should remove the head and the skin, just keep the legs and the torso.
Deep fried or in soup, either way they are delicious.
Offered by Tian.
Almost all frogs excrete poison of some sort through skin glands. So stick to the, legs only for meat, and minus the skin, cleanse meat thoroughly. To raise them you treat them much as you would a tortoise/terrapin, in a tank or pond, providing dry land/stones to feed and bask, and a dry place to hibernate in winter. To feed them it is best to use meal worms (larvae of darkling beetles) these are extremely easy to breed yourself, also live house flies, moths and mosquito larvae. My friend who has been raising frogs from tadpoles, for her grandchildren, has had them in a 24" fish tank for two years now and they have never been outdoors or in the sun they remain happily basking indoors under fluro' lighting with the occasional light from a window. Some are now so fat they can hardly hop for their dinner of meal worms which they love.
Offered by Jan.
Frogs love mosquitoes. We have a swamp behind us with tons of frogs and no problems with mosquitoes.
Offered by John.