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I just bought a copy of the latest NEXUS New Times magazine, October-November issue. On the cover, a title appears "The medical myths of Osteoporosis". The article goes into the myths of calcium, and bone loss. It is obviously important for us to have this supplement, and it is best to get it from vegetables! I wanted to add to the article posted below that Milk and other dairy products can rob your body of calcium! Don't believe the lie that dairy is the best thing for you! The American Dairy council, and dairy farmers want you to believe this, so they have a booming business! According to the author, Sherril Sellman, "Most calcium supplements are not only ineffectual in rebuilding bone, but they can actually lead to mineral deficiencies, calcification and kidney stones. And contrary to popular belief, dairy products have been proven to be a leading cause of bone loss."
This whole milk and dairy thing reminds me of when we tried to give the poor, starving children of Africa milk to survive. Duh! the majority of the world's population cannot even absorb milk in the intestines! The poor little children died of the diarrhea we gave them! Cow's milk is for baby cows. Human milk is for baby humans! We aren't meant to drink milk! Even Doctor Benjamin Spock rethought his entire outlook of raising children, he updated his book before he died. He mentioned that a Vegetarian, or Vegan diet is best for children. Milk can cause ear infections and sinus trouble in children! (It produces mucous!). It is also thought that dairy, and animal protein can cause arthritis!
Offered by Alanna.
For about 6 months have been following Dr. Peter D'Adamo's Eat Right for Your Type (blood type) food recommendations with good results. Cow's milk and milk products are on the Avoid list for A's and O's.
Type O's should severly restrict their use of dairy products. Their system is ill designed for their proper metabolism, and there are no highly beneficial foods in this category.
Type A's, dairy products inhibit nutrient metabolism. Type A's can tolerate small amounts of fermented dairy products, but should avoid anything made with whole milk, and also limit egg consumption to organically grown eggs. Most dairy products are not digestible for Type A's-for the simple reason that Type A blood creates antibodies to the primary sugar in milk-D-galactosamine, the essential sugar that, along with fucose, forms the type B antigen. Since the Type A immune system is designed to reject anything B like, the antibodies it creates to ward off B antigens will also reject whole-milk products. Soy milk and soy cheese are recommended as good dairy alternatives, and he does recommend goat's milk and calcium supplements.
Type B (the herdsman) is the only blood type that can fully enjoy a variety of dairy foods.
Dr. D'Adamo also discusses differences between food allergies and food intolerances. Since most people today are either A's or O's, very few of them can utilize cow's milk products. I'm sure that the dairy industry will try to suppress the results of his studies. I bought buffalo milk cheese and goat cheese this week. They are very good and would certainly think of keeping goats as a companion animal. When my first Type A son developed severe milk allergies at age 5, we put the whole family on goat's milk with a great improvement in our health.
Offered by Toni.
This is a very interesting book by Dr. D'Adamo. His ideas are quite intriguing and some people I know have really been helped by his strategies for diet based on your blood type. My best friend has been enormously helped by his strategy.
Offered by Craig.
It is indeed related to your ancestors. My physician has informed me (and I've read it from other sources) that 90% of Asians, American Indians (North, Central and South), Middle Easterners, Africans, Mediterranean(ers), and Jewish are lactose intolerant. 50% to 75% of the rest of the population are lactose intolerant. Symptoms can range from mild to severe in all groups. (I am lactose intolerant and have been since my early teens. I'm part Cherokee and my level is severe...) Humans are the only mammals to drink milk after being weaned. Even adult cats, if not fed milk continuously after being weaned, will usually be intolerant.
Offered by Leila.